Pill Bottle

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Details: Changbin has run out of his essential meds and goes a lil crazy for 2 weeks until his prescription can be refilled...
Tws: fighting, bar, medication, depression, lots of emotions, blood, argument

(I updated the fight scene, you'll see it in bold)

The other 7 members are... somewhere. Changbin can't remember exactly, but he denied the offer to tag along because he has to be home to collect his medication that should be delivered today. After a couple of long, boring hours of waiting, he decides to check the pharmaceutical website to see if there is an estimated delivery time. Sure enough, there is. In one week and a half. Because he forgot to order them.

''Ah, shit shit shit.'' Changbin runs his hand through his hair, sighing. ''How am I gonna tell the others? You know what? I just won't.''

~time skip to two days later~

As the members arrive home after their short, but much-needed holiday, they enter the apartment to see Changbin lying upside down on the sofa watching the horror movie ''IT'', which he has seen a million times before and is in no way scared of.

''Changbin Hyung!'' Felix exclaims. ''Why are you watching this movie again now that we are home? You know I hate horror and you have watched this thousands of times!!!''

Changbin doesn't respond. Although he hears Felix, he keeps watching the movie.

''Changbin Hyung! Please turn it off and watch it in your room or something!''

''If you don't want to watch, it go into your room!'' Changbin responds, still keeping his eyes fixed on the television screen.

Felix walks over to the coffee table, covering the TV from his peripheral vision. He grabs the remote and in one swift click, turns off the TV.

''Hey!'' Changbin shouts. ''What did you do that for?''

''I asked you to turn it off!''

''And I didn't want to!!!''

''Ugh!'' Felix storms into his room, not trying to stress out again just as he arrives back home.

In the kitchen, Minho, Changbin, and Hyunjin are cooking dinner. They are making honey-garlic porkchops. While Minho is frying the porkchops, and Hyunjin is cleaning up their cooking mess, Changbin gets bored. He gets a mischievous glint in his eyes as he surveys the bustling kitchen. The sizzle of porkchops in the pan and the rhythmic clatter of utensils against pots and pans provide the perfect background for his impromptu plan.

Unable to resist the temptation, Changbin decides it would be super fun to turn the kitchen into an impromptu dance floor. He clears his throat to get Minho and Hyunjin's attention.

"Hey, guys! How about we turn this cooking session into a mini dance party?" Changbin suggests with a mischievous grin.

Minho, ever the laid-back one, raises an eyebrow but can't help but chuckle. "A dance party in the kitchen?''

Hyunjin, who's diligently wiping down the counter, looks up and gives Changbin a playful smirk. "I'm in, but only if you promise not to distract me too much. I've got to keep this kitchen spotless."

''Fine, I'll join, too.'' Minho adds.

Changbin doesn't waste a second. He turns on some upbeat music playing from his phone and cranks up the volume. The infectious rhythm fills the kitchen, and Changbin starts moving to the beat, twirling around with exaggerated flair.

Minho, still at the stove, joins in with some smooth footwork while expertly flipping the porkchops. Hyunjin, torn between the dance floor and cleanliness, decides to compromise and incorporates dance moves into his cleaning routine.

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