Hidden Truths

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TWS: Mental health struggles, LGBTQ+, cliffhanger (?) ending that won't be further explored

High school was supposed to be about navigating classes, friendships, and maybe a little bit of teenage romance. For Chan and Changbin, being twins made the journey even more interesting. They shared everything, or so Chan thought. But Changbin had a secret, one he kept buried deep inside himself.

As they strolled through the crowded halls of their high school, Changbin couldn't help but steal glances at Jungsu. Jungsu, with his easy smile and effortless charm, captured Changbin's attention in a way he couldn't quite explain. But he knew one thing for certain – he couldn't let anyone, especially not his brother or their close friends Minho, Jisung, and Seungmin, know about his feelings.

Changbin's heart raced every time Jungsu passed by, and he struggled to keep his composure. He feared the judgment and rejection that might come if his secret were ever exposed. So he buried his desires deep down, behind a carefully constructed facade of indifference. But every stolen glance, every accidental brush of their hands, sent a jolt of electricity through him, reminding him of the truth he couldn't escape.

As Chan and Changbin made their way through the bustling corridor, Chan couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He noticed Changbin's gaze drifting, lingering a little too long on Jungsu as he passed by. It wasn't like Changbin to stare so openly, especially not at someone like Jungsu.

"Hey, Changbin," Chan said, nudging his brother gently. "You okay?"

Changbin snapped out of his trance, blinking rapidly as he tried to compose himself. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he replied, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

But Chan wasn't convinced. He knew his brother well enough to sense when something was bothering him. "Are you sure?" Chan pressed, his brow furrowing with concern.

Changbin hesitated, his mind racing as he scrambled for an excuse. "Uh, yeah, just... zoning out, I guess," he mumbled, hoping Chan would drop the subject.

But Chan wasn't about to let it go. He could see the turmoil in his brother's eyes, the conflict playing out behind the mask Changbin wore so convincingly. "You can talk to me, you know," Chan said softly, laying a hand on Changbin's shoulder.

Changbin's heart ached at the sincerity in Chan's voice, the genuine concern etched on his face. But he couldn't bring himself to confess the truth, not yet. So he plastered on a fake smile and shook his head. "I'm fine, really," he insisted, hoping Chan would believe him.

But deep down, Changbin knew he couldn't keep his secret buried forever. And with every passing day, the weight of his deception grew heavier, threatening to crush him under its suffocating grip.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Chan and Changbin gathered their belongings and headed out of the building together. The weight of Changbin's secret hung heavy between them, unspoken but palpable in the air.

The walk home was filled with awkward silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the sound of their footsteps on the pavement. Chan stole glances at his brother, his heart aching with the desire to ease whatever burden Changbin was carrying.

"Hey, Changbin," Chan finally spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled between them like a thick fog. "I know something's been bothering you, and I just want you to know that whatever it is, you can talk to me about it. I'm here for you, okay?"

Changbin felt a lump form in his throat at his brother's words, the weight of his secret threatening to spill out at any moment. He swallowed hard, trying to push down the fear and uncertainty that threatened to consume him.

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