
94 2 0

CWS: autism

Changbin's heart raced with excitement as he entered the festival grounds with his dad. The air buzzed with the mingling sounds of laughter, conversation, and distant music. Bright colors and whimsical decorations turned the park into a wonderland, and Changbin's eyes sparkled as he took it all in.

"Dad, look! There's a cotton candy stand!" Changbin pointed eagerly, his voice high with excitement.

"Do you want to get some?" his dad asked with a smile.

"Yes, please!" Changbin replied, practically bouncing on his toes.

As they approached the stand, the sweet aroma of spun sugar filled the air. Changbin's dad bought a large, fluffy pink cotton candy, and Changbin tore off pieces, savoring the melt-in-your-mouth sweetness.

"Are you excited for the headliner tonight?" his dad asked.

Changbin nodded enthusiastically, a grin spreading across his face. "I've been waiting for this for so long! They're my favorite band!"

The festival passed in a blur of activities. Changbin and his dad visited various booths, played games, and enjoyed the performances on the smaller stages. Despite the crowd and the noise, Changbin managed to navigate the day with his dad's guidance and support. He wore his noise-cancelling headphones, which helped him stay calm amidst the overwhelming sensory input.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the festival grounds lit up with twinkling lights. The excitement in the air grew palpable as the time for the headliner approached. However, just before the headliner was set to take the stage, another band performed, and their set was incredibly loud and bass-boosted.

Changbin winced as the heavy bass reverberated through his body, each beat like a punch to his senses. He instinctively covered his ears, despite the headphones, and looked up at his dad with a distressed expression.

"It's really loud, Dad," he said, his voice barely audible over the music.

His dad knelt down beside him, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know it's tough, buddy. Do you want to move back a bit until it's over?"

Changbin shook his head, determination flickering in his eyes. "No, I want to stay here. I don't want to lose our spot for the headliner."

"Okay," his dad said gently. "But if it gets too much, we can always step back for a bit."

Changbin nodded, taking deep breaths to calm himself. He focused on the thought of the headliner, using his excitement as a shield against the overwhelming noise. Finally, the loud band finished their set, and the crowd roared in anticipation for the main event.

As the headliner took the stage, the atmosphere electrified. The opening notes of their first song sent the crowd into a frenzy. Changbin tried to jump up to see, but the people in front of him were too tall. Sensing his struggle, his dad crouched down.

"Hop on, Changbin!" he said, patting his back.

Changbin scrambled onto his dad's back, and the view transformed. From his new vantage point, he could see the entire stage and the band in all their glory. His heart swelled with joy, and he cheered loudly, his voice mingling with the thousands around him.

When his dad needed a break, Changbin hopped down and began jumping around like a kangaroo, his energy boundless. He danced and screamed, his phone out to capture every moment. The people around them couldn't help but smile at his infectious enthusiasm.

"Look at him go!" one person said to another, both grinning at Changbin's unrestrained joy.

"His energy is amazing," another agreed, laughing.

Changbin's dad watched his son with pride and love. "He's been looking forward to this for months," he explained to those nearby who commented on Changbin's excitement.

As the set continued, Changbin alternated between being on his dad's back and bouncing around on the ground. Each song seemed to fuel his excitement further, and he sang along to every word, his voice hoarse but happy.

When the final notes of the encore rang out, and the band took their final bow, Changbin was breathless, his face glowing with happiness.

"Did you have a good time?" his dad asked as they made their way out of the crowd.

Changbin nodded vigorously. "It was the best day ever, Dad! Thank you!"

"You're welcome, buddy," his dad said, ruffling his hair. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

As they walked back to their car, Changbin held his dad's hand, feeling a sense of contentment. The festival had been challenging at times, but the joy of seeing his favorite band made it all worth it. He knew he'd carry the memory of this day with him for a long time.

(A/N: this was literally me today, except I'm not changbin and I wasn't with my dad.)

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