want to go

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Gemini woke up in the morning

he saw that Fourth was next to him apparently comforting him until he fell asleep himself

He woke up quietly not to wake Fourth and ran to the king's room

  The guards stopped him at the entrance to the room but he heard his father ,Max's voice from inside

"How come you haven't found him yet" Max shouted at the guards who went out to search Dunk and returned without him "They kidnapped him quite close to the kingdom, it doesn't make sense that they had time to get away"

"Your majesty, to find him we have to go into people's houses and you asked for it to be quiet" Net knelt down

"I don't care about the silence anymore, just find my son"

"Yes sir" Net straightened up "SOLDIERS! After me!"

Net and the soldiers left

Tul approached Max from the side he hugged him and cried with him

Gemini entered

"They still haven't found Dunk??"

"Don't worry son they will find him they couldn't take him too far"

Gemini backed away and ran back crying to his room

When he opened the door Fourth woke up and saw Gemini crying

"What happened??"  Fourth stood up to hug him

"They still haven't found him" Gemini fell apart in his arms


"I have an idea" Gemini calmed down a bit

"What's your idea?"

"Let's go look for him"

"Do you have permission from the parents?"

"We often go out without asking them for permission"

"True but this time it's different if they kidnapped Dunk maybe they want you too"

"I don't care I'm going to find Dunk with or without you"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming, but first let's have breakfast so we'll have energy"

"Okey" Gemini sat on the bed "but I will eat it here"


Fourth went to the royal chamber

"Your majesty" Foruth addressed Max and Tul

Max broke away from Tul's embrace and straightened up

"Yes Fourth is everything alright with Gemini?"  Max asked

"He cries a lot because of Dunk but he's fine...he wants to go look for Dunk"

"No he can't" Max got up from the chair

"He intends to go out whether you agree with him or not, but I have an idea how to make him not go out at least for today"

Fourth shared with Max his idea of ​​putting some anesthetic in Gemini's food

"I authorize you to do this" Max paused "and thank you for taking care of my son"

Fourth smiled and left to bring Gemini the meal

He served Gemini the meal

"Wow I'm so tired" Gemini finished eating and yawned "I'll sleep a little then wake me up and we'll go"

Gemini lay back and immediately fell asleep

"Sorry Gemini" Fourth covered Gemini with a blanket "It was the only way to keep you in"

the kingdom (JoongDunk PondPhuwin GeminiFourth NetJames)Where stories live. Discover now