a visit

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Pond rested his head on the bars and felt the blood drain from his body

"Pond" Phuwin touched him on the shoulder

There was enough space between the bars to put your hands in them

"W what?"  Pond asked vaguely

"Are you okay?"

"Excellent" Pond coughed and saw that he was spitting up blood

Great, as if there wasn't enough blood flowing from the wound in his waist, now also from his mouth

"I think I'm dying," Pond said

"Pond" Phuwin held out his hand

Pond grabbed his hand

Phuwin looked at him with a worried look

He stood up

"Someone, please, he's dying, help him" Phuwin shouted

The guards ignored him

Phuwin started to cry

"Pond hold on" Joong told him from his cell

"What for?" Pond smiled "it's not like someone will heal me here"

Pond's eyes began to harden

"Hey dumbass" Phuwin shook Pond's hand "Do you remember when we went to the lake? That we had fun?"

"Yes yes" Pond smiled

"And we were training and I knocked you down...you haven't beaten me yet, you have to knock me down too, you can't die now"

"Let me beat you in the next life ok?"  Pond asked and his eyes closed

"No Pond no" Phuwin shook him "I love you fuck don't leave me"

Pond's eyelids fluttered

Phuwin thought about how to help him and just as he was about to despair he heard the gate to the prison open and steps advancing in the directions


"I want to see them" Dunk left the room and told Net who was waiting outside

"I-" Net started to say hesitantly

"If you ever want me to forgive you for what you did take me to see them now" Dunk interrupted him

"Okey but say anything to Max or Tul"


Net led him to the place of the prisoners

They advanced down the hall

Some of the prisoners spat at them as they passed but they didn't pay attention, they reached the place of the gang

Each of them was in a separate cell
"Joong Pond Phuwin Earth Mix Neo" Dunk called them

"Dunk" Joong was the only one who answered him

Dunk had tears in his eyes

"Joong I...I didn't know" Dunk moved towards Joong's cell and Net held his shoulder

Dunk turned his head, looked net with a careful look, and Net let go

"I believe you Dunk, I saw what happened" Joong smiled a sad little smile

Joong stood up and walked towards Dunk

Dunk held out his hand and Joong held it he put his head on the bars and Joong did the same

Joong raised his hand and wiped the tears from Dunk's face with it

Net pushed Dunk back and pointed his sword at Joong

"What did you get him to be like that?"  Net asked Joong

"what?"  Joong didn't understand

"Did you bring him a love potion?"

"Why would I-"

"Net put the sword down now and shut up" Dunk ordered Net

Net lowered the sword

"Dunk...Pond" There were tears in Joong's eyes

the kingdom (JoongDunk PondPhuwin GeminiFourth NetJames)Where stories live. Discover now