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Net came in in the middle of the meal and James was behind him

Everyone stopped eating and looked at them

"Your majesty" Net kneels down "I resign"

"You what?!"  Max asked

"I resign"

"Why?? We don't blame you. You shot an arrow in the direction of Dunk. It was dark, you couldn't see."

"It's not because of that" Net took James' hand "I want to spend more time with my boyfriend" he intertwined his fingers with James's

"I knew it" Dunk stood excitedly

Joong sat him back down

"Thanks for helping me figure it out Dunk" Net thanked him "and now with your permission your majesty I'll be out"

"you have my permission" Max nodded "You were a loyal guard"

Net knelt for the last time and he and James walked out

"Now who will guard Dunk?"  Max wondered aloud

Joong coughed

"Where do we find someone strong who knows how to fight like that" Max continued to ask

Joong raised his hand

"What you want?"  Max turned to him

"I can be his bodyguard" Joong smiled

"You're in a gang..."

"I'll get out of the gang"

"Do you really think I'll let you keep my son?"


"So guess what the answer is-"

"Yes" Tul interrupted him "we'll be happy for you to keep on Dunk"

"Tul!" Max turned to his husband

"give him a chance"

"Fine...but if I hear you did something to him..." He pointed his knife at Joong

"I won't do anything to him," Joong promised

Max rolled his eyes and they continued to eat

When they finished eating Dunk helped Joong up and took him to his room

He laid him on the bed

"Thanks" Joong was still holding onto Dunk's arm

"Thank you" Dunk moved the hair from Joong's face "without you I wouldn't be here now"

"I want to try again...what we did in the forest..."

Dunk smiled, leaned down and kissed Joong

Joong kissed him back and tightened his grip on Dunk's arm

"You won't do anything huh?!"  Max opened the door

Joong and Dunk broke up and got frustrated with Max

Max took a plastic sword (which was indeed made of plastic, but it was possible to give a pretty strong blow with it) that was in the corner of the room and advanced towards Joong

Dunk got up and tried to stop Max from passing

"Hey Max leave them alon-" Tul entered the room and saw what was happening "Max!"  He also tried to catch his husband who started to run and try to overtake them

"Hey catch-up" Gemini also entered the room and started running after them and Fourth of course after him

Joong smiled and laughed in bed

"Ouch" his wound hurt from laughing

"Joong!"  Dunk stopped and ran to Joong

Joong smiled and looked at Dunk who stopped for breath next to him

Joong looked back at him and thanked him

"I want to rest" Dunk smiled and asked his father to leave the room

"As you wish, ok let's all go out" Max led everyone out "You too Joong"

"No no I need to tell Joong something"

Max looked on suspiciously and Tul helped drag him out of the room

"You saved me" Joong laughed
"I didn't lie about wanting to rest" Dunk smiled and hugged Joong

He put his head on Joong's chest and closed his eyes

Joong kissed Dunk on the forehead and Dunk fell asleep

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