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"N Net what are you doing here?"  Dunk was shocked

"Thanks Dunk, you helped us catch the Nemesis gang" Net said and smiled at Dunk "Guards pick them up from the rooms"

Joong took a step back from Dunk

One of the guards advanced towards Joong and Dunk kicked him and knocked him back

"Dunk don't disturb us" Net said

"You can't do that"

"Why not?"

Dunk came to answer but the guards took Earth Mix Neo Pond and Phuwin out of the rooms they were struggling and tied up

On Pond's shirt was a red stripe Dunk guessed that his wound had opened in the struggle

The gang surrounded him with accusing looks

"Guards leave them alone" Dunk commanded

"They are not allowed to leave, this is a direct order from the king" Net said

Dunk took a step back he was hurt and betrayed how could his father do this to him?!

"I won't let you" Dunk took out his sword and advanced towards Net

Net took out his sword ,knocked the sword out of Dunk's hand and caught him

"I'm sorry Dunk" he said

"Sorry for wha-" He felt a stab in his shoulder and everything went black


When Dunk opened his eyes again he saw that he was in his room and Net next to him

He got up quickly from designers on Net but when he stood up he got dizzy

Net rushed to him and steadied him

Dunk stood up and then noticed Net holding him and punched him in the face

"How could you do this to me?"  Dunk was stunned

"I'm was a direct order from the king, I couldn't do anything"

"Get out of the room" Dunk said quietly but loud enough for Net to hear


"Get out of the room" Dunk yelled

Net left the room and Dunk sat down thinking what to do

He began to put together a plan in his head on how to free the gang

the kingdom (JoongDunk PondPhuwin GeminiFourth NetJames)Where stories live. Discover now