They were right

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Phuwin moved towards the lake and Pond followed him ,they did not speak while walking

They reached the lake and sat down Pond stroked Phuwin's arm and Phuwin rested his head on Pond's shoulder

"Are you okay?"  Pond asked him

"I don't know..." Phuwin sighed

They continued to sit in silence

After a few minutes Pond got up
"Come on let's go" Pond gave Phuwin a hand

"where to?"  Phuwin looked at Pond

"Let's get in to the water a little, it will distract you"

Phuwin smiled and grabbed Pond's hand

They went into the water and Pond splashed him

"You'll pay for it" Phuwin told him back and then jumped on his back

Pond laughed and tried to take him down

Suddenly Phuwin let go of Pond and held his head

"Phuwin?"  Pond held him

"My head is exploding " Phuwin closed his eyes in pain

Pond put his hands on Phuwin's head and massaged his forehead to calm him down

Phuwin let go of his head and moved his hands to Pond's waist

Slowly the headache went away and Phuwin calmed down

"I'm fine" Phuwin said

Pond lowered his hands from his forehead to his cheeks
There was a look of concern in Pond's eyes

"I'm really fine" Phuwin moved forward and kissed Pond

After a few minutes Phuwin released from the breathless kiss

He buried his head in Pond's shoulder and rested there

They stood like that hugging each other for long minutes until they decided to leave

"Let's go to the bunker, I'm tired, and it's closer than Mix's house" Phuwin said

Pond nodded and they moved towards the bunker

They arrived and lay down on Pond's bed tired and exhausted

They lay face to face

Pond moved Phuwin's hair from his forehead and gave him a small kiss then put his forehead against Phuwin's

He put his hand on Phuwin's waist and pulled him close and hugged him

Phuwin snuggled into Pond and they both fell asleep


Phuwin dreamed

In his dream Phuwin was inside a palace
He looked beside him and saw a little boy calling him
"Come on Phuwin, there are no guards here," the boy told him

They sneaked out of the palace and walked towards the lake

When they arrived they entered the lake and played and laughed

Suddenly Phuwin felt pain in his leg, started to sink and couldn't breathe

He woke up scared and sat up

He looked to his side and saw Pond sleeping, he realized it was a dream and breathed to relax

"What the hell was that dream?!"  His heart raced

He lay back and hugged Pond tightly buried inside him

Pond hugged him back but he was still asleep

Phuwin went back to sleep and the dream continued

He opened his eyes in the dream and saw young Earth who took him in and cared for him

All his lost memories returned to him

Max and Tul were right

He was the lost prince

the kingdom (JoongDunk PondPhuwin GeminiFourth NetJames)Where stories live. Discover now