Looking for Dunk

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Gemini was in the palace all month

He didn't want to go out alone but he was still mad at Fourth

Fourth tried to appease him and apologized but Gemini was still angry


Net's fears only intensified this month

Dunk hasn't made contact since ,and it was weird

He found nothing with James

He decided it was time to share it with someone and went to Gemini

"Sir" Net knocked on Gemini's door "Can I come in?"

"Yes" Gemini said

Net entered

"What happened?" he asked Net

"I have concerns about Prince Dunk" Net said

"Me too" Gemini agreed with Net "Dunk is not the one who wrote the letter...but it's his handwriting and his handwriting can't be faked"

"I'm afraid he might have been forced to write it"

"At first I thought so too...but Dunk is smart, he would have left us a hint if so"

"The truth is that I think the way he worded the letter doesn't sound like him"

"Yeah right, I thought about that too"

"I'm going to look for him, wanna help me?"

"Yes" Gemini jumped out of bed

He wants to look for Dunk and he didn't leave the palace for a month either, he felt the need to leave

They left the room and Fourth was standing in the doorway

"I'm coming too" he said

"No you don't" Gemini told him

"I'm your personal bodyguard and you don't go out without me"

"I'm going out with Net"

"I join"






"STOP IT" Net interrupted them "Fourth join us, Gemini he will be able to help us and you don't have to talk to him, The evening is approaching we have a few hours until it gets dark we have to take advantage of every moment"

"Ok" Gemini folded his hands sullenly

They left the palace

"Can we go to the lake first?" Gemini asked "I haven't been there in a week"

"Which lake?" Net asked

"Fourth knows he will lead us"

"See, I told you it would be effective"

Gemini rolled his eyes and moved forward

They went to the lake and saw 4 people in the distance

"Hey there are people here" Gemini said

They got even closer

"He looks like Dunk" Net said

"Dunk" Gemini yelled

Fourth hurried to block his mouth but it was too late

The people saw them and started running

"Run" Net ran after them and Gemini and Fourth followed

"Ouch" Gemini fell after running for a few minutes

"Gemini" Fourth stopped and take care of Gemini

Net continued to run after them but after a few minutes he knew he couldn't catch up with them and he couldn't leave Gemini and Fourth here in the woods ,alone, they only know the area of ​​the lake but they ran far enough away from it
they wouldn't make it on their own so he stopped and started back to Gemini and Fourth

"Shia you're bleeding" Fourth bent down and checked Gemini's knee

Fourth tore off his shirt and wrapped it around Gemini's leg

Gemini looked at him

Fourth looked up and looked back at Gemini

"I'm sorry" Fourth said

"I'm also sorry for being angry with you, I know you only meant for my benefit, but don't do it again"

"I promise"

Fourth hugged Gemini

Net coughed from the side and Gemini and Fourth broke away

Fourth stood up and helped Gemini up

Gemini could not walk alone and Fourth leaned on him and helped him

They returned to the palace

Max and Tul saw them from the balcony and ran to them

"Why did you go out?!" Max asked

"I asked them to go to the lake father" Gemini answered "I haven't left the palace for a week"

"And what happened to your leg??"

"I just fell"

"Your majesty" Max was about to answer but Net cut him off "I think we saw Dunk"

"WHAT?!" Tul asked

"I think we saw Dunk in the lake"

"So he's nearby? What was he doing there??"

"I don't know, but he was with 3 other people, they saw us, they ran away"

"Are you sure it's him?"

"I wasn't sure at first,but when we shouted his name he turned to us"

"Did you recognize the other three people?"

"No your majesty"

Max and Tul looked at each other and exchanged glances

"Ok we'll check it out" Max said and he and Tul went back up to the room in the palace

Gemini Fourth and Net went up to Gemini's room

"what should we do?" Gemini asked and Fourth sat him up in bed and wrapped his leg in a regular bandage

"Now that we know the area he is in we will look there" Net said "we will leave tomorrow morning, sleep well tonight"

Net left the room

Fourth was also going to get out

"Hey Fourth" Gemini stopped him "Can you sleep here tonight?"

"If you want..."

"I want" Gemini smiled "take a shirt from my closet, yours is torn"

Fourth took a shirt they changed clothes and lay down on the bed

Gemini hugged Fourth and they went to sleep

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