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Dunk woke up in the morning to find Gemini still hugging him

He moved Gemini's hand carefully and stood up

He quietly got himself ready and left the palace towards the bunker

Dunk reached the bunker and went down the ladder

when he got downstairs there was no one in the kitchen he started to move towards joong's room but then he felt a sword at his neck

He turned his head and saw Earth

"Earth" Dunk said

"What are you doing here? Did you bring someone with you?"  Earth did not lower the sword

"I'm here alone, I just came to talk to you"

Earth looked at him suspiciously

"Promise" Dunk promised

Earth still left the sword

"DUNK" Joong got out of the room

"Joong" Dunk turned to look at Joong

Joong approached Dunk

"Don't move Joong we can't trust him" Earth stopped him

"What did I do to make you think that?"  Dunk asked

"You haven't done anything yet but we can't count on you not to"

"And what will make you trust me?"


"Earth" Joong moved towards Earth "I don't think he wants to do anything to us"

"No one asked you what you think" Earth replied

"At least hear what I have to say first" Dunk said

"Speak" he turned to Dunk

"I want to join the gang"

Earth laughed

"Oh are you serious?"  he asked realizing Dank wasn't kidding

"Yes" Dunk replied

"And you don't think the fact that you're a prince will cause us trouble?"

"No...I can tell my parents things that they won't think you are the ones who did these things...they listen to me"

Earth thought about it

"I need to consult with Mix" he finally said "Joong stay with him"

Earth went back to his room and Joong stayed with Dunk

Dunk approached him and hugged him

Joong was at first shocked then returned the hug

"Thanks" Dunk said

"A about what?"  Joong asked and blushed

"I know that thanks to you I started to remember and I'm not dying right now...thanks for helping me with the gang and showing me that there are more things than being in the palace all day"

"But when you remember you told me to stay away" Joong reminded him

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to worry you I just had to digest everything" Dunk said and Joong breathed a sigh of relief

They stopped hugging each other but their hands were still on each other

"Put your hands up" full of guards entered the bunker

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