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Kai Willams aka Scar POV

I woke up to Amaya laying on my chest sleeping. The sun peeked through the curtains shining on her face. Fuck I don't know what to do. I usually just leave after one night stands but she's different. Not just the bomb ass sex we had but her energy. Ight I got it. I slipped out of her big ass bed,washed up & pulled on my boxers & shorts. Next, I made my way into her kitchen to see what I could cook. I made some chicken alfredo with broccoli & garlic bread. Max was sleeping on his dog bed in the living room.

Amaya Carter aka Black Widow POV

I woke up to an empty bed. Damn he just left. Then I heard a noise in the kitchen. I slipped on my robe & grabbed my gun. I pointed it at him. Next he turned around & took the gun quickly. He's trained??

So you gonna kill yah one night stand?? Scar laughed & passed me back my gun.
S-Sorry I thought you left. I said taking my gun back & sitting down on my black barstool.
Nah I decided to cook yah kitchen nice asf. Plus I wanna get to know you more. He smiled put a plate of chicken alfredo with broccoli & garlic bread.
Thank you & same here. What's your real name?? I said.
Kai Williams. He said smiling than drinking some water. His body had tatts in the right places.
Amaya Destiny Carter. Also how did you know how to do that?? Shit I needa find my phone. I'll be back. I said running to my room.

Thankfully I found my phone. It was a bunch a missed called & texts from everyone. One stood out the most from Apollo, " You got 3 mins to open yah fucking door before I break it Destiny." Shit shittt not what I need.
It was banging on the door. I ran back into the kitchen.

Ummm I'm so sorry but I really need you to hide. I said.
I ain't hiding Amaya. He said putting on his shirt.
Ight. I said heading to the front door.

Amaya I swear to god you got 1 min. Apollo said loudly.
Shut the hell up before you get me in trouble with my neighbors. I said opening the door a little.
What now I can't come in the crib?? Apollo said.
No I'm busy right now. I got company. I said.
Get the hell out the way bruh. Apollo said pushing through the door.
Can you please be annoying another fucking time?? I asked as I followed him into the kitchen.
Destiny who df is this?? Apollo said mugging Kai.
My friend. Now get out before I shoot you. I said sternly. Max got up & stood by me.
I see how you moving now Destiny. Just fucking with a random ngha in the club & bringing him to yah crib. I see you good. We was worried bout yah ass. Apollo said.
You don't got no right speaking to her like that. Ion care if ya'll cool. Kai said looking at him.
You could get ass beat right here. Apollo said walking up to Kai.

I moved quickly between them & faced Apollo.

Apollo please just leave. Please. I'll hit you up later. Tell my brothers & the crew I'm good. I said looking up at him.
Mann whatever. Don't call me either. I'm worried bout yah ass & you up in yah crib with an another dude. Apollo said walking out & slamming the door.
I-I'm so sorry. I said looking down with tears forming in my eyes.
It's okay. Let's eat & talk if you want. Kai said hugging me.
O-Okay. I said sniffling.

We sat down & ate our food. I decided to explain. I felt horrible. I didn't think Apollo would do that.

So who's Apollo?? Kai asked looking at me.
He's my ex. We were together for 3 years. I said.
Damn, that explains why he was mad asf & wanted to fight me. Kai said.
Yeah I'm sorry to drag you into that. I said.
Nah you good love. I understand & honestly not mad at you. Why did ya'll break up? If you don't mind me asking. Kai asked.
Thank you I appreciate it. It was just too toxic & his anger issues. He never hit me or anything. Our relationship just didn't work in the end. We stayed friends since we in a group of people. I said.
Oh okay. It make sense. Thank you for explaining. Kai said rubbing my hand.
You probably never wanna link up again. I said.
Not the case beautiful. It take a lot to scare me away. Kai laughed.
Oh really?? I said moving closer to him.
Yup. He said looking down at me.

He kissed me softly. This dude got me blushing & shit.

What did I get myself into?? At least I know you could cook. I laughed putting the dishes into the dishwasher.
A great man, that could spoil you,be there for you & more. He said leaning back on the counter watching me.
Oh word?? I said.
Yeah. Also I gotta leave in a few I gotta handle some business. He said hugging me from behind.
Okay no problem. I gotta take Max on his walk. I'll walk you down give me a minute.
No worries. I'll walk him with you. Kai said.

I went back in my room & pulled on my sweats & a hoodie. Then grabbed Max's leash even though he's great off leash. I trained him since he was a puppy plus I had him do other training. Kai & I walked out my apartment building & went around the block.

You busy next Friday?? Kai asked while we stopped by a tree.
I'm not sure,usually packing orders or making new sets. I said.
Okay no problem, when your done that. I'm taking you out on a date. Kai said.

I kinda froze & didn't know what to say. Max came up to be & rubbed his head on my hand. I'm okay. Thank you. I bent down & rubbed Max.

S-Sorry, just had a moment. Sure we can go on a date. I said smiling.
It's okay if you don't we could take things slow too. I don't wanna make you uncomfortable. Kai said.
Thank you for understanding. It's fine I actually want to go on a date. I said.
Okay awesome. Also please tell me anytime if you wanna stop or just be friends. I'm cool with it. He said.
Okay thank you. I said.

We walked back to my house. I dropped Kai off at the garage than went upstairs. I put all my sheets in the wash, took a hot shower then started packing orders. I texted the group chat & told them I needed space. They know what happened already than my brother,Dominic called me.

What's up? I asked him.
Since when you just leave the club with a stranger?? Pops wanna have a meeting later tonight at 8 with some guest from another mafia family. Dominic said. Please don't tell me you & Demon told him. Come onnn you guys have my location & I hope they ain't weird. I said.
Destiny come on now. What the hell you can't go back to doing that shit! You risking yah life for some random ngha. Did you even run a check on him?? I don't think so. It's Mr & Mrs.Williams.Dominic said.
Ight bye. I'm 21 not a baby. I said hanging up.

I put my phone on business focus mode & went back to packing orders. I made some content & posted on my business page. It was over 40+ orders. I didn't finish til 3PM ended up putting the mailer bag by the door. I gave Max some food & water again than took a nap.

Time Skip:6PM

I woke up from my nap & checked the time. Shit the post office is closed. I'll have to mail out the stuff tomorrow morning. So I started getting ready for the meeting tonight. I freshened up then pulled on my all black outfit. I made sure Max was good before I left. My family's estate was 45mins from my area if it's traffic an hour. So I was going to be late. Great I'm going to hear a mouthful from Mama. I pulled up to the gate & entered the code & said my full name. I pulled up in the driveway & got out quickly grabbing my purse.

Good Evening Ms.Carter, would you like me to put your coat up?? Linda one of the maids asked.
No thank you Ms.Linda & call me Amaya. I said hugging her.
It's guests here so I have to be formal sweetpea. She smiled.
Oh gosh I almost forgot. I said.
One of The Williams son's are handsome. She smiled.
Never in a million years. I'll see you say hi to the kids for me. I said making my way to the meeting room in our house.

Good Evening Ms.Carter, the meeting has already started but your parents said to let you in. Preston the security said.
Hey & thanks. I said as he opened the door for me. I really hope these people ain't weird.

I walked in & greeted everyone than sat down next to my siblings. I looked up then saw someone I didn't think I'll see so soon. There's no fucking way.

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