Chapter 6

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I have now been here for 3 weeks. I'm cold, dirty, and tired. I haven't slept for more than 12 hours this whole time. Few people have passed, asked some questions, write stuff down, and leave. Some people even ask if they can do anything to get me out. That's not permitted. My aunt is the only person in the entire universe who can take me home. I have been told that many times. And I will wait and wait for however long it takes for her to come.

Light bursts into my cell as the door opens. I can't remember the last time that door opened. "Hey. You awake? We got news." I hear a voice say. "Who is this? What's going on?" I respond. "Just come out here and follow me" the voice says again. I get up and go into the light.

"I'm so sorry"
"We'll work this out"
"Everything will be fine"
"We'll catch these people"
"I'm so sorry"

That's everything people have been saying to me after sitting down for 30 minutes in that room. My life is a mess and I don't care anymore. My aunt has been murdered. Found with a bullet in her chest. Dead. Gone. Leaving me all alone. Same person who killed my mother, father, and cousins/aunts/uncles. And I'm sick of it. I slam the door open and run outside. I don't stop running. People are chasing me. But I will not stop running. I run until I get to a "scarier" part of town and sit down. and cry. When all of a sudden I hear footsteps. Coming closer and closer. Then everything goes black.

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