Chapter 5

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What's going on? Where am I?

That's the first thing on my mind when I woke up. I'm in someone's room, I look around and realise I'm in Chanwoo's room. Why am I here? The door opened and Chanwoo walks in.

"Hey" he said, startling me

"Umm, why am I here sir?" I asked

"I found you lying on the floor at the back of the house, what happened?" He asked looking concern

Damn, these trios do know how to break a person. First, Jiwon raped me, then Hanbin rejected me and now Chanwoo, my own fucking brother is what? Trying to act like a good brother and then what? They sure do know how to make my life miserable.

"Em? Are you okay?" He asked with 'concern'. He even called me by his nickname I haven't heard for 10 years.

"Yes sir, excuse me, but I have to finish my work now" I said, standing up, although it's painful, but I just want to get out of here

"No Em, just stay, rest here today, you don't look so good" He said

"What the hell is with you guys? Seriously? Look, you guys did a great job torturing me, stop it already okay, I'm really tired. Just leave me alone. You guys hate me, message taken, now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving" I said and quickly go to my room, I could hear Chanwoo calling me but I ignore it and lock my door.

Now what? I honestly don't know.

"What do you think I should do?" I asked my wolf but no response

"Hello? Are you there?" I ask again but still nothing

What's going on? I could feel her but why can't I hear her? She's literally the only one I have right now, and she's gone too? Sigh. My mate rejected me, now I don't have reason to stay. Hey, I don't have reason to stay. Maybe, I should leave. Being a rogue is risky, but I have nothing to lose, might as well do it, right?

So I packed my stuff in a backpack. Yeah, the amount of belongings I have is only a backpack full. I left the dress on my bed and wear the necklace my mum left me. I also wrote a letter, though, pretty sure they won't care, after all, they want me gone anyway, so it's a win-win right? Okay, now, I have to shift into my wolf. I put on my backpack on my back and jumped out of the window where I shift mid air. That's pretty cool.

Then I run as fast as I could without turning back, heading to who knows where.


Hanbin's POV

I woke up feeling shitty as ever. I just rejected the girl I love and for what? My pack? What have they ever did for me anyway? I'm their leader, they should support my decision and I want Amber. I really need a good slap in the face for rejecting her last night and leaving her in the cold.

I need to woo my girl. I quickly showered and dress up. After I'm done I quickly go to her room and knock on her door. No answer. That's weird.

"Amber?" I knock again

"Hanbin? What are you doing here?" Chanwoo asked

"To see Amber. What are you doing here?" I asked

"To apologise to Amber. I know we decided to give her a hell of life, I think we overdo it" He started

"Last night, I saw her lying on the ground outside so I carry her to my room, when she woke up this morning, it's like she's" he stopped

"She's what?"

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