Chapter 13

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Hanbin's POV

It's almost 2 years Amber went missing. We stopped looking for her that day we found out she's mated to other wolf. I can't feel her anymore and my wolf is heartbroken. I tried to be strong for my pack, but without my Luna, I'm weak. The rogues heard about this and always try to attack, most of the time they succeed. I lost a lot of pack members including Chanwoo's mate. He was heartbroken, but stays strong. He said he deserves it after what he did to his sister.

At first I refused to tell this rogue problem to the elders because that would mean admitting to my weakness. After all, I'm an Alpha and it will be embarrassing. After a while, Chanwoo and Jiwon finally convinced me to seek help from the elders and I did. Redblood Pack is assigned to train us. Which is good, considering they are the strongest pack. It was weird though, when I called them. They seems like they're hesitating to help us, I wonder why but today I got a call from them saying they will be here in 3 days. I have never feel more relief than I was when they say that. Once I got stronger, I will find Amber again and make her mine, we can both rule a stronger pack.


3 days later (Still Hanbin's POV)

I was in the office when Jiwon came running to the office.

"They're here" He said and both of us rush down to the door.

"Where's Chanwoo?" I asked Jiwon and he shrugged his shoulder.

Outside, I saw 2 cars and there's 4 guys standing in front of one of the car, talking with each other.

"Redblood pack, welcome to the Bluemoon pack" I said and they look towards me.

The guys are all well built. I know the Alpha of course. I met him in the past.

"I'm Alpha Hanbin, this is my Beta, Jiwon" I introduced and look at them. They looked cold? What's with that? I look at the other guys. One of them is shorter and look younger, he seems like he's standing in front of something. Another one stand next to the Alpha, I'm guessing it's the beta. He's the tallest between them. And the last guy is Chanwoo. Chanwoo? I look at him confused.

"Chanwoo? What are you doing there?" I said and he looked at me like I'm crazy

Before I could say anything else, suddenly "Sorry I'm late, someone was fighting at the back" Chanwoo said, out of breath

What the hell? I look back and fourth between them until the Alpha speak up.

"I'm Alpha Jinhwan, this is my Beta Junhoe." He pointed to the tallest guy.

"My brother and warrior, Donghyuk" He point to the other guy

"And third in Command, Yunhyeong" He said pointing to Chanwoo's doppelganger.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, you look a lot like my third in command Chanwoo" I said apologetically

"I know right, that's what I thought too when I first met him" An angelic voice called out and it made me shiver. What's going on?

A girl finally moves out from Donghyuk's back and walk forward and stand next to Jinhwan. All I could say is, damn. She's beautiful. Her hair is long and she left it untied. She's wearing black leather skinny jeans that fit her well, showing her nice long and lean legs with white fitted crop top, her abs could be seen clearly. She's a bit shorter than Jinhwan. Judging from the possessiveness of Jinhwan, she must be his mate. I couldn't help but feel like I've known her from somewhere, I looked at Jiwon and Chanwoo and it's obvious we were all thinking the same thing, that she looks kind of familiar.

"I forgot" Jinhwan said

"This is my mate and Luna." He said, smirking. See, I know it, but I couldn't help the jealousy that I'm feeling.

"Amber. Amber Jung." He continued and kissed her cheeks, causing her to smile brightly.

Our mouth fell open. Amber? My Amber? I look closely to the girl and sure enough, it is Amber. I feel stupid for not realizing it sooner. She was always beautiful but she's really really beautiful now. Wait? Did he just say mate?

"Mate?" I asked with a growl

"Uh huh" She said, nodding and I saw it. The mark on her neck and it angers me.

"Hello Hanbin, Jiwon, Chanwoo" She said and bows mockingly, causing the other Redblood pack to snort.

"Amber? Is that- is that really you?" Chanwoo said and she looked at him coldly causing him to flinch a little.

"Well, what do you think?" She said sarcastically

Chanwoo makes a move forward, probably to hug her but immediately the other Redblood pack guys stood in front of her, growling at Chanwoo. Well, I guess they knew what happened.

"Boys, boys. Calm down. We don't want to start any problem now." She calmly said and I was amazed of how submissive the Redblood pack is to her as they parted, revealing Amber again.

"Now. Can we come in please? We've been on the road for 3 days. It's tiring." She said

"Of course, come on in" Chanwoo said, but I could see that he's sad that his sister is being indifferent towards him.

Jiwon has been unresponsive since we found out Amber is Jinhwan's mate. I look at him and he was staring hard at Amber, but Amber totally ignored him. They went in, Amber is holding hand with Jinhwan, talking about something with him while he looks content at listening to whatever Amber is talking about. I can't believe the Alpha of the strongest pack is the one that marked my mate. How rude. That explains why they hesitated to help us.

Chanwoo leads them to the lounge for guests and all of them sit down. Everyone was quiet.

"Well, this is awkward" Amber said, then laughed

I looked at her with adoration and apparently, it's not just me. Jinhwan and Jiwon too look at her full of love.

"Oppa, why don't you just tell them?" She suddenly said

I was surprised that she's addressing Chanwoo but then Yunhyeong speaks up.

"Sure" He said and when I look at Chanwoo, who looks hurt.

"We will be training you for a month starting tomorrow, it consists of basic training, both in human and wolf form. It will be intense but we need to push you. The training will be led by 2 of our top warriors." He said

"Two?" Jiwon asked

"Yeah, Donghyuk and Amber will be the one leading the training." Jinhwan said proudly

Amber is training us? What? Noticing our confused looks, Junhoe snorted.

"You must be underestimating her. She's our head of warrior and she's stronger than any of you." He said

"Trust me, I know." He continued and all of them (Redblood pack) laughed.

"Not to be rude" Donghyuk speaks up

"Can you lead us to our rooms? We're kind of tired." He continued and Amber hit him lightly, rolling her eyes.

"Uh, sure. I'll prepare 5 rooms." I said

"5?" Amber asked

"Yeah, there's 5 of you" I said through gritted teeth

"And I'm mated to my mate, so I'll be staying with him" She said

I was about to say something when Chanwoo cuts me off with an "Of course". He proceeds with leading them towards their room and Jinhwan, I guess is trying to reel me, carries Amber bridal style upstairs, causing her to giggle. I clench my jaw and quickly went to my room.

"Stupid!" I yell and punch my wall. I feel stinging sensation on my fist and sure enough it's bloody. This cannot be true. Amber is not mated to him. Is this some sick joke? If it is, it's not funny at all. I feel so enraged that I spend the rest of the day throwing a fit inside my room. Thank god it's sound proof. After hours of doing this, I finally came up with the conclusion that, mated or not, I will get Amber back. No matter what, she will be mine. If it means that I have to kill Jinhwan, I will.

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