Chapter 6

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I was running through the forest. For the first time ever, I feel free. I try not to think of how painful it was when my mate rejected me. I've been running for I don't know how long, days maybe. I couldn't afford to stop because I'm running through other pack boundaries, I'm afraid if I stopped, I will be killed. I could feel myself getting tired but at the same time, this is the most fun I've ever had for the last 10 years.

I enter another pack boundaries, that's when the tiredness consumes me. I dropped down and it went black.


I think it's hours later that I woke up and it's almost dark. I need to get going before they found out I'm here. I stood up on 4 legs and took a step forward when I heard twig snaps and I tensed. Slowly, I turn around and stay in defensive position when a huge wolf emerges from the bush. Not big enough to be Alpha though, must be the Beta or third in command. I bow down my head showing him I don't mean any harm.

I heard bones cracking and I know he shift into his human form.

"Shift" he said in his deep voice

I shifted and stay on one knee, my head bow down. You see, when I started shifting at 14, I could shift without losing my clothes. Yeah, other werewolves rip their clothes when shifting. And I didn't. I don't know why though.

"Stand up and tell me why you're here" He said

I stood up and look at the guy's face. There's 3 other guys behind him, all of them is wearing only boxer and all I can say is damn. They are bunch of great looking guy, especially the one talking.

"Uhm, I, ran away from my pack and I was just passing by, I'm really sorry sir" I said, my head hang low

"Why'd you run away from your pack?" He asked in curiosity

I really want to avoid this question. I don't know why, but I suddenly goes emotional and started crying. All the pent up pain, it just went out.

"They... they abuse me... the pack and my brother... for the last 10 years, I can't... I can't take it anymore" I say in between sobs

I suddenly feel someone's arm wrapped around me, causing me to cry even more. I'm not used to this kind of attention. When I was tortured, I trained myself not to cry, I don't want to show them how much pain they caused me. Plus, the more I cry, the more they want to abuse me.

"There, there, it's okay." he said

"Get your hands the fuck away from my mate." Someone said

I look up to where the voice is and damn, if I thought this guy holding me is hot, this other guy beat him 100 times. Wait, did he say mate? I look around but I don't see any girl other than me here.

"What?" The guy holding me said

"Junhoe, get the fuck away from her" He said, trying to control himself

What is he talking about?

"I'm sorry Alpha" Junhoe said and step away from me

The Alpha steps forward towards me and I have to look up to see him when he was in front of me.

"Mate" He said and hugs me

I feel sparks where our bodies touch. What the hell? Before I could say anything, my body shut down and it went black, again.


I woke up yet again and this time it's in a white room. Where is this?

"Hey" someone said and I look to see the Alpha guy sitting next to my bed holding my hand, causing sparks again. What is going on?

I pull my hands away from him and sit straight. He looks hurt when I did that.

"Where am I?" I asked

"You're in the pack doctor room sweetheart." He said

Sweetheart? What?

"Oh" I said

It was silent for a moment, neither of us knows what to say.

"You've been out for 3 days you know." He said


"Doctor says you lack of food and protein and everything. Your wolf is somehow unresponsive and she was critical when you ran for days"

"Oh" I said again, refusing to tell him anything

"What's your name?" he asked

"Amber, Jung Amber"

"I'm Kim Jinhwan, Alpha of Redblood pack." He said

My eyes widen. What? Alpha? Redblood pack? No way. Hell no. I quickly stood up ripping every wire attached on my arm, causing me to feel dizzy.

"Hey, hey sweetheart, where you going?" He asked holding me to stabilize me, causing electricity sparks again

"Please don't... don't touch me, I... I have to go" I said and went to the door

"You're not... you're not leaving me, you can't leave me" He said, not in bossy way though, more like he's begging me not to leave him. Weird. Why would he?

I stopped dead in my track.


"Because you're my mate, I want you to be here, with me" He said

That's really opposite of what Hanbin said. Why do I have another mate? An Alpha at that.

I turn around and look at him, he's on the verge of crying. Why would he cry over me?

"I don't understand" I started

"Why would you want me? My other mate certainly didn't"

"What do you mean?" He asked, now standing up

"Nothing. I just have to leave" I said

"Please, don't." He said and he feel on his knees, I could see tears on his beautiful face

"I'm begging you, don't leave me. I need you Amber." He begs, his voice cracking

What am I supposed to do now? Stay here and let him hurt me like they did? Do I even have anything left to be broken?

"What do you want from me?" I said softly

He looks up to me and said "I just want to be a good mate to you, to protect you, to make sure you will be the happiest girl"

"Trust me, when you know my past, you would change your mind" I said

"You might have a dark past Amber, but that wouldn't change anything about my feelings for you, your past doesn't define you." He said, standing up

"We'll see about that Alpha"

"You're my mate, I don't want you to call me that, please." He said


"Thank you" He said and hugged me. This time, I let him. Maybe, just maybe, he's different.

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