Chapter 4

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Samira walked home, trained, slept and woke up thinking about what happened yesterday. She just couldn't get it out of her head.

Bakugo had saved her.

He had absolutely no reason to. They weren't even on the same team, yet even so he risked his life to pull her out of harms way. Of course...they were only in that situation in the first place because of him, but still.

It would have been more on brand for him to walk over to her and smile maliciously as he watched her plummet to her death....turns out she was sorely mistaken.

But when she got to school the next day...he was back to the same old Bakugo she knew and hated.

He had completely ignored her when she took her seat in front of him—which was odd as she would normally receive a lovely morning scowl or mocking comment from him—and he continued to ignore her as they walked onto the bus that was taking them to the USJ center where they would be practicing their search and rescue skills.

She honestly debated thanking him for what he did. Sure he's an asshole...but that was the most
un-asshole-like thing he's done since the day she met him.

When they arrived at the training centre, the class filed out of the bus one by one, walking towards the entrance where Aizawa was waiting. Samira sped walked up to Bakugo's side, and he threw her a side eye glance when he noticed her presence.

"Hey" she whispered, getting his attention despite the fact Katsuki knew she was already there.


He didn't want to speak to her....he didn't even want to look at her after the events of yesterday.

"Thank you. For yesterday—"

"Save it Hotshot. I don't give a crap if I helped you or not, alright. It meant nothing!" He snapped, walking faster to avoid her. Samira frowned, catching up with him again.

"Christ...I was just saying thank you, asshole—"

"I don't need you thanks. Now leave me alone" he grumbled.

Noted. Never thank Bakugo for anything.

Samira rolled her eyes at his egotistical attitude before she went to find Uraraka.

Bakugo kept his head down as he walked. His hands clenched into fists, his teeth grinding against each-other as he thought about what he did.

The truth was...Bakugo had no idea why he saved her. He didn't want to. He didn't need to. He would have happily let her fall to her demise, but it's like his body just....reacted. He'd never jumped into action like that before....and he was honestly shocked when he realized what he had done.

He shook his head. He was meant nothing. It was out of pure instinct.



The USJ training hall was something else. Samira couldn't even comprehend the amount of circumstances a pro hero could possible be faced with when it came to saving someone as she saw all the different scenarios before her.

Indoors or outdoors. Those were the only options she could think of.

The pro hero Thirteen stood before their class, who Samira didn't really acknowledge as her attention was currently elsewhere. She was still taking in this training hall. The sheer size of it.

So different from what she was use to. She had never practiced any type of rescue training before. Only ever combat or endurance like her father forced her to.

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