Chapter 8

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The second the buzzer went off, Samira was gone. Just as she suspected, it wasn't long before the tunnel turned into a crowded, chaotic free for all of everyone pushing and shoving their way through in an attempt to make it to the front of the pack.

Because she was at the front of the crowd already, Samira made her way through the tunnel with relative ease, but so did everyone else, and that was when the trouble started.

Samira nearly tripped over herself as the ground beneath her suddenly turned to ice, trapping her feet in place.


The icy bastard had turned the entire track to ice, trapping everyone in the process as he ran ahead.

"Nice try, ice-pop" Samira touched her hand to the cold ground, and turned only the ice surrounding her feet into dirt which blew right off her shoes. With everyone around her still trapped, a sinister idea crossed her mind.

Several people had already broken out of Todoroki's trap, but while half of them still remained, Samira crouched and touched the icy floor. Her quirk erupted, and turned every single inch of Todoroki's ice into hard metal. 

Anyone who was still trapped...was now completely and utterly stuck.

That should take out some competition.

Samira leapt into a sprint while everyone was looking at the ground in utter confusion. Even Todoroki was shocked as he turned around and saw that his ice had been turned to solid metal.

He almost looked somewhat impressed.

With few people around her, now came the easy part for Samira. She pulled a coin from her pocket and jumped in the air. While she was airborne she turned the coin into her favorite high tech motorcycle. It roared to life, and she pulled herself into the seat the second it hit the ground. With a flick of her wrist on the accelerator, she was gone, weaving her way through the crowd with complete ease.

Everyone around her looked completely baffled as she drove past them, probably wondering where the hell she managed to get a vehicle from.

She was already approaching the top of the group before the first obstacle came into view.

A hoarse of robots that were identical to the ones used in the entrance exam. Some robots were small, while others were so big that they reached well above the tree line surrounding the track.

Todoroki was the first person to react, sending a barrage of ice in the massive robots direction. The ice froze the robot in place, and several gasps filled the air at Todoroki's impressive display of power.


Samira thought to herself how she would play this one. At her current speed, she could easily weave her way through the robots without even needing to engage in combat.

But then again, she thought to herself....where was the fun in that.

She pulled a handful of coins from her pocket, creating a high tech gun that she had used against the Nomu, as well as a few special bullets that she designed with her very own two hands. The bullets were slender and sharp, perfect for penetrating metal.

She loaded the gun, not even needing to keep her hands on the steering of the motorcycle as she took aim in front of her.

She fired, the bullet reaching its mark and embedded itself deep into the robots metallic armor.

After a few second, the entire robot exploded from the inside. Metal went flying, but Samira was already gone, already shooting at any other robots that crossed her path.

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