Chapter 21

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"Samira, get in here" her father crooned from the kitchen, sounding oddly sober for that of a Friday night. Samira sighed, trudging over to the kitchen on tired legs after her intense training session with Bakugo. Her father was making dinner.

Something he hasn't been bothered to do for weeks now.

"What?" She asked, arms folded. Her eyes darted to a crumpled piece of paper lying on the table. She immediately knew exactly what was written on it.

The letter from Endeavor about her internship...
The very one she had thrown in the bin the moment she had read it and realized he wanted her at his agency.

Did he fish it out of the trash?

"You got an offer from Endevour....and you turned it down. Why?" he said the words between clenched teeth, clearly annoyed that Samira had disregarded a letter from the number two hero himself.

Not that she gave a shit.

"I have no interest in working with Endeavor. He's a bastard, and a shitty person" she said. Her father scoffed, not evening looking at her.

"I accepted the offer from Hawks anyway. What's the problem?" She asked, not bothered to have this conversation. A humorless laugh left her fathers throat, and he shook his head as if she did something wrong.

"So you accepted the offer from the number three hero...and not the number two" he still wasn't looking at her as he cut each vegetable before him with expert precision.

His tone was angry now. The cutting board was groaning under the weight of the knife as he slammed it down with each slice.

Good god...not this conversation again.

She didn't even get to speak before her father continued.

"Always taking the second option....always second place"

The sports festival flashed in her mind. When she had come second not just once...but twice. Looks like her father had been watching closely. For once.

"It's not my fault—"

Her father turned on his heel, hurtling the knife he was just cutting with towards her. A flash of steel was all she saw before the blade of the knife sliced halfway through her right arm, embedding into the wall behind her.

Hot, searing pain surged through her right arm, blood pouring from the wound not a second later.

Samira screamed. She staggered backwards, clutching her ruined arm before she fell back against the wall, the knife clattering to the ground.

"Always with the damn excuses" her father seethed.

Samira couldn't see. Stars coated her vision, the breaths escaping her lungs too fast. Thick, hot blood seeped from between her fingers, pouring onto her clothes.

Before her father even got the chance to approach her further, Samira sprang to her feet and ran out of pure instinct. She sprinted out the door, running as fast as her body would allow it. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, allowing her to ignore the pain that was threatening to bring her to her knees.

Shit shit shit...what the fuck does she do. All that just because she chose Hawks over Endevour?


Samira gripped her arm tighter, trying to stop the bleeding the was still pumping from her arm in a steady flow. She may as well have done nothing, for the bleeding didn't slow for a second.

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