Chapter 17

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After her little meltdown in front of Shoto, the embarrassment of Samira's behavior was the only thing on her mind as she stood on the second place pedestal. She forced herself not to think of her father. Of what he would say or do to her the moment she arrived home. She only smiled brightly as she waited for Allmight to give her the medal.

Todoroki and Kirishima shared the third place spot, and above her head...there was still no sign of Bakugo.

After his temper tantrum earlier maybe the board decided to keep him in the medical bay. The last thing they probably wanted was him throwing another fit in front of the whole country.

Maybe it's for the best he's not here...

Kirishima was grinning from ear to ear on the third place pedestal, a contrast from the much more stone-faced Shoto, who looked as if he didn't even want to be here. Samira almost laughed at the comparison between the two boys. They couldn't be more different if they tried.

AllMight was smiling almost as brightly as Kirishima as he faced them, three medals shining in his massive hands given to him by Midnight.

"Let's give our winners a big round of applause!!!" Present Mic roared through the speakers, the crowd erupting with cheers and claps in response. Samira huffed a laugh, lazily clapping her hands together.

But then the crowd went silent. All heads turned towards the number one spot. Even Allmight himself looked confused at the sudden silence.

Samira frowned, looking upwards.

And then she realized exactly why the crowd went motionless.

Because what arose out of the number one podium was the last thing Samira was expecting to see.

Because it was Bakugo. Only he was chained to a post...his hands cuffed in chains.

And his mouth was muzzled, muffling any sounds that he was currently trying to yell out.

Dear god...
Was that really necessary?

Samira could only stare in bewilderment at the sight of him, Kirishima and Todoroki also staring with similar looks on their faces. Samira looked at the two boys, and they looked back at her. Her  eyes darted between them and Katsuki, as if to say "what the actual hell?"

Kirishima shrugged, mouthing out the words. "Probably for the best"

Samira couldn't help but chuckle at that. Katsuki was still going feral from above her, shaking against the chains, yelling incoherent words at god knows who. He looked like he belonged in a psych ward. Not as if he was winning an award that most people would kill for.

Samira stared up at him, and Katsuki met her gaze. He went utterly motionless as he looked at her, his eyes shining with an emotion she couldn't decipher. He continued to yell words at her, only for them to be snuffed out by the muzzle. But he didn't look angry as he spoke. He looked annoyed. Confused, even. Samira looked away.

AllMight approached Samira after giving Kirishima and Todoroki their medals. She took a deep breath as she faced him. He looked happy as ever, an emotion that she couldn't quite reflect right now.

"Congratulations, young Samira. You fought exceptionally today, and you've done your family proud"

She wasn't so sure about that...

"Thank you...Allmight" her voice was flat, and her smile faltered. AllMight frowned in confusion.

"Why the long face? Coming in second place in an incredible achievement. It was a very close match, and not to be biased or anything...but you undoubtedly put up a much better fight today. Do not let this title distract you from the amazing performance you gave. You'll make a fine hero some day!"

Trust AllMight to immediately make her feel better. She wished she had a father more like him.

She smiled, and this time it was real. "I won't let you down".

Allmight clasped her shoulder, smiling brightly before he went to face the crazed-looking Bakugo. Allmight bend down to remove Katsuki's muzzle, and the second it came undone—surprise surprise—he immediately started yelling.

"It wasn't a fair match AllMight! I don't want your damn medal!" He roared, his eyes practically glowing red with anger.

Christ. He's still going on about that?

"Come on young Bakugo, you won first place. Please accept this medal, even if you have to think of it as a scar, something you'll never


AllMight ignored his complaints and tried to put the medal on anyway. Katsuki's head shot up, and the medal caught on his nose. "Get that trash off of me you idiot—aghh" the string of the medal got stuck in his mouth, and AllMight decided that was the best he could do with the situation.

He turned to face the crowd, happy as ever while Katsuki chewed on the medal in his mouth like a feral dog.

"Behold, the winners of this years sports festival! But listen closely, any of you first years could have ended up standing on these podiums. Think about what you've done today. You've challenged each other, learned, and climbed even closer towards your goals of becoming heroes. I think the next generation of heroes is proving to be our most promising yet!!!"

The crowd roared and cheered in response to AllMights words, and Samira might have cheered too...had she not been looking at Bakugo. His medal still hung from his mouth, his eyes still red with anger.

She couldn't make sense of it. Couldn't make sense of him.

She wouldn't ask him about it. She knew better then to do such a thing, but god...she wanted answers.

Well, he did do one thing right.
He did exactly what he said he was going to do in his introduction speech.


The walk home was just as hellish as Samira thought it would be.

She thought that maybe it would be wiser if she just snuck in through her window. So she could avoid her father and all the bullshit that would come with that interaction.

She crept through her front garden to look in the window of the living room. Just as she suspected, her father was watching TV. Well...he was watching. He was passed out now, an empty beer in his hand and about ten more empty bottles on the table he was currently resting his feet on.

Thank the gods he chose to drink tonight. He'll be passed out at least till morning. Samira entered her house and walked to her room on near silent feet.

The weight of the silver medal hung from inside her bag, and she threw it into her wardrobe and shut the door behind it.

Sleep didn't come easy for her that night. Or the next, for that matter.



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