Chapter 15

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"Oi, Hotshot"

Samira turned at the sound of that name. That voice. Katsuki was casually walking toward her, hands stuffed in his pockets just like always. But there was a certain stiffness to his walk. A tense look about him. And Samira swore she could see the faintest hint of worry in his eyes, even in the dimmed hallway.

"What?" She wasn't exactly in the mood to talk to him. She could barely contain her anger after witnessing the mess he left Kirishima in.

"Quite the show you put on against icyhot. We're you trying to show off or something?" his calm voice was contradicting his nervous body language, but Samira didn't comment on it.

She crossed her arms. "Well, you don't call me Hotshot for nothing. Also I saw the state you left Kirishima in, so I guess you must have put on quite the show too" a wicked smile curled on Katsuki's lips.

"Told you ide beat him—"

"Looks like we were both right"

He stuck his chin up, huffing in amusement.

"You better give this fight your all. If I catch you holding back on me your dead"

Samira almost looked offended that he would even say such a thing.

"And why would I do that. I was serious about what I said earlier. I'm getting you back for what you did. And I'm not just talking about Uraraka" Katsuki knew exactly what she was talking about, and he clicked his tongue.

"This confident facade isn't going to save you Hotshot. You may have beaten me before, but anything goes in that ring, and personally I can't wait to pummel you to the ground" he licked his lips, but his words didn't intimidate her.

Although she knew Katsuki wasn't the type to make idle threats.

She held out her hand. "No holding back?"

Katsuki flashed his teeth in a grin, clasping her hand. "No holding back" his grip tightened, and Samira threw him a warning glare before he let go and sauntered down the hall.

Samira thanked the gods that Katsuki didn't comment on how fucking sweaty her hand was. She was glad he couldn't hear her racing heartbeat, couldn't see her hands shaking at her sides.

Because truth be told...she was fucking terrified.

She had made it this far...but losing to Katsuki would make it seem like it was all for nothing. All her effort, all her victories may as-well have meant jack shit to her if she loses to him of all people.

It's like her father always told her. First place is the winner...and everything else is the loser.

She wouldn't allow Bakugo to win. He would have to kill her before she backs down.

But unfortunately for her...Bakugo had the exact same mindset.


To say she was nervous was an understatement.

But she schooled her features to neutrality, cracking her neck from side to side as she walked up the steps to the ring. Her eyes locked on Bakugo like he was her prey, standing in a field and waiting to be hunted. But he had the exact same look in his eye as his gaze locked on hers.

Despite the fact no words were exchanged, Samira felt the silent conversation they just had in a single glance.

"Your dead, Hotshot"

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