Chapter 1: Dark angel and protector

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(Edit: 4/5/2018, I've undergone some heavy edits, the narrative is the same but POV been changed as well as just overall improving the writing. I intend to do the same with all chapters but until then if quality feels vastly different from this chapter and the ones after then my apologies.)


Piercing winds whistled over rocky mountain and hilltops. Among the breezing tune, a lone girl sat atop of a large black bolder. Eyes opened stoically as the winds flap violently at the back of her long raggedy cloak and straight black hair. Her pupil's turned from purple to black shortly after, she gazed onwards to the vast expanse of green hilltops followed by patches of trees with a thin lake flowing between the shaded slopes scattered off into the overcast.

Sky accompanied with little spots of clouds glided like sails form the easterly breeze leaving islands of shadows on the landscape. A breath-taking view to behold, but her gaze was transfixed beyond the sights; beyond the moving heavens and bladed grass-covered earth. The strong steady breeze did not faze her as it pushed away at her back.

Sitting atop a rock with her legs tucked to her chest was the very same girl who found herself buried under rubble from her escape six years ago.

"Natalie," A boy's voice from within the mouth of a cave directly behind her calls out.


He comes walking out from the gloomy mouth of the cave. A raggedy looking cloak covered the long dark sword on his back. He makes his way towards Natalie before looking up to her atop of the black rock. Not responding to his presence Natalie looks onwards to a place that is not yet in sight. Her mind clearly elsewhere.

"Kept you waiting," He said in a sorry voice almost to himself. "I'm well rested now and ready to keep going."

Having said nothing she grips onto the fabric of the wrapped cloak on her legs a little tighter, the atmosphere around her grew colder.

Seeing nothing else to allude to this downer vibe he strops his head in silent defeat.

Of course, she was still going to be moody today as well, he thought to himself.

Being accustomed to seeing her like this he shook off the subject matter for another one. His features weighed into general concern this time around.

"So... did you get any sleep thi-"

"Let's keep moving," Natalie cut in whilst she got up and off the rock to walk onwards.

Watching her walk onwards into the bright open space his eyes darken to Natalie's reaction.

He knew time is running against them. Still...

If we are not careful this could come back to bite the both of us.

Still feeling his calf muscles sore from the previous day running he winced to himself in silent protest.

"Understood," He mumbled to himself before following suit.


He set off along with Natalie further southwards to reach a nearby village. Running nonstop till sunset they moved swiftly through the rocks, trees, and any other endeavor's almost as if in a state of take-off. Where Natalie had a fluid almost urban grace traversing over the rocky platforms of riverbeds and broken paths of uneven slopes he was lacking in finesse leaving him lagging behind.

His legs felt like led with each passing hour of running. Natalie would pause on occasion to keep him from losing sight of her but besides that, she never stopped. Her sharp and precise form seems to match her longing to her destination beyond the horizon. He was getting more drained by the hour but in his stubborn effort to meet her determination, he said nothing. Gritting his teeth and cursing his burning lungs and body he put all his frustrations into one step after another. He battled with fatigue until the battle itself became a whitening haze. He knew that he was still running but his steps felt like those within a dream state.

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