Chapter 7: Foreboding Dawn

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Her world went black, an endless void like the impaling feeling in her gut. All was numb to her except it. This thing ascending through the lower floors of the building like a demon gone berserk. The thing she could explain as nothing other than fear incarnate was coming for her. For a moment she felt her hand slipping off the cables that were charging power to the lift Andrew and children were in. Coming to she cursed her shaking body swaying from her will. 

Venting that frustration into the cables she gritted her teeth and did her best to blank out the booming sound and earth-shattering crashes of the giant and just concentrated. Concentrated on completing her end of the task, on getting the children out. 

That's all that matters to her in the end. If she could just do the thing what she prayed was done for her back then. If she could have had someone to save her from what she went, though, she would hope that they would give it theirs all and not back down even in a scenario like this. With this thought alone burning through her core she despite her fear held her ground to power the lift.

The ground trimmers began getting more violent as it reached the last four floors. Even her second wind of resolve was being to falter. As her palms and most of all places on her skin was beginning to sweat her flight instincts were beginning to fight her suppression discipline.

The giant two hind legged wreaking machine was only a floor below her before she cut her losses. With all the strength she could muster Natalie kicked herself backwards just in time to see it burst through the very spot that she evaded. 

Witnessing it's grand entrance as she recovered into a low stance thirty feet away from it. Powerful head lights beamed into her purple eyes making her shield them with her free arm.

The light made it hard to make out the finer details of the two-legged wreaking ball. As rubble and dust fell and settle Natalie makes out it's distinct and brewing hum that the alien device made. Almost... alive, like the sound the soul would make if it ever made one, enchanting.

"So you were able to see me." A sharp voice boomed out of speaks coming out of the imposing giant device likely the person residing in the thing.

Natalie still trying to calm down and assess the situation although she heard it speak it did not register. Her mind was too busy trying to think if she was able to get them onto the wished for floor in time. Or whether they are stuck in the lift. As if to answer her question she suddenly hears the faint sound of sharp screams piercing through the lift tunnel.

The kids are not out yet. Her mind murmured weakly.

Suddenly the giant's airy hum began to shift around the hall as it turned around and assess the cables and the lift behind him.

"I understand now." It's monotone voice scratched through its speakers. Looking at the lift. "Are all the ones who you rescued still in here?"

Natalie breath was lost in those words. Her shaking not fully calmed down and thinking in extreme disarray she slowly shook her head.

"Please don't." her mouth spoke her mind without consent.

For she knew, without question what it was going to do next. With one of its ostrich-like legs, it kicks though the steel net sliders of the lift as if it was cardboard. Reaching in It to then tear the cable holding the counter weight apart from the lift itself. The horrid sound of the lift falling came closer. Like a train hitting terminal velocity it crossed briskly past Natalie's floor before sweeping by with a thunderous crash.

The room falls into an airy science as the echoes of crashing metal on concrete subsided. Natalie saw it, it was brief but she was certain she saw inside the lift. An empty death trap with its steel net bars cut clean open.

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