Chapter 32: Will of the people

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The streets were tattered with ditched possessions and the crimson pools of blood from loved ones, with the sky, tainted like a foreboding sunset the looming shadows of the demons laced this scene with a thick layer of dread.

Sounds of the explosive impact of the demons barrage of attacks tearing the streets, roads and pavements. The cries of both predator and prey pulled all who heard it further into a state of insanity.

The smell of burning rubble and corpses left grotesque teats in the people's mouths making their guts turn inside out to the stench.

Among the madness Sophie tags behind a group of fleeing locals as they made their way to the nearby underground shelter. With her reliable staff in hand, she keeps her eyes on the sky and at her back for any incoming danger.

"Two actives on our six!" One of the hunters on the roof called out.

Sophie came to a halt to look back down at the street below. Seeing two horned nose demons scurrying around the corner aiming to strike the group of feeling locales. The hunters on the roof jumped down to intercept them but Sophie stood in their way.

"I'll take care of them, protect your people!" Sophie said.

Nodding hesitantly they look back at the demons with venom before following their fleeing locales. The crystal at the end of Sophie's staff began glowing as she summoned up her inner strength. The two demons picked up speed; their scythe-like nose posited to impel Sophie through.

She responded by firing -bending light-, an array of six bending light energy shot out from Sophie's staff all fanning out before homing in on the incoming demons. This attack although piercing them in multiple parts of their body did little to halt their advances to Sophie dismay.

Not deterred, however, Sophie backed off making a little distance. With her energy at the ready, she summoned forth a thin crystal layer of it like a pain of glass in front of her. As the demons came they slammed into the window of energy with a thunderous crash knocking them back.

Sophie's -reflect- wall stood firm absorbing all the impacted energy that the demons dealt and adding it onto its own. As the pair stood back up Sophie then transformed her energy glass from a defensive to an offensive one by using -return- then -bending light-.

Her reflective wall turned into a web often bending streaks of light that once again homed in and pierced though the two daemons hard exoskeleton but this time with more relative ease.

Looking down at the fading corpses of the demons and ravaged streets Sophie's eye soften to one of remorse. If it was not for her ability to return the impact of her attackers back to them in the form of her own then abilities she would have struggled a lot more to take them down. She had faced a number of demons of this kind in her travels but rarely has she seen ones teeming with so much energy. They moved with a level of intellect that she has not witnessed in years. And it went without saying that the more energy they had the more stronger their resistance to damage they became.

Her style of fighting was designed for such a threat, which made her thoughts wonder to the local hunters who did not have either the skill or experience to combat this dominating threat. The flinching cries of demons overhead dragged Sophie train of thought back to the now.

Looking to the sky she sees a swarm of the scaled horrors circling overhead. There insect-like wings buzzed with a deafening vibrating screech. One of the swam seeing Sophie homed in giving her a closer look at its undesired form.

Having legs of an insect and a mouth and pincers like a scorpion it dived down shooting down barrage fireballs from its mouth. Sophie evading them summoned a reflective wall at the point of impact reducing the carnage on the streets and also absorbing the energy of their impact before returning them in streaks of bending light.

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