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Cassiopia, known to most as Cassi, had grown up during the war. She carried the burdens of her cruel childhood. The horrors she witnessed as a child had been ingrained into her mind like vivid pictures- the fighting, the fires, the attempts on her life. These memories were important to her, they reminded her why the Hunger Games were necessary.

Being raised within the Capitol meant that Cassi's early years and her knowledge of the world around her had been carefully shaped by the Capitol. She learned what the Capitol wanted her to, what they deemed to be the correct narrative. This environment fostered a biased opinion of the districts. By being born to a wealthy family Cassi was shielded from the raw truths that lay within the districts, and the propaganda of the capitol became an undeniable part of her worldview.

Despite the perception of the districts that had been forced on her from an early age, Cassi battled with her own moral dilemma when she was forced to watch the Hunger Games every year. She was upset by the violence forced upon the children from the districts. But, every time there was doubt in her mind about the games the memories of war came back. The games were the price that needed to be paid in order to achieve peace.

Cassi was lucky; her family had managed to cling onto their pre-war status given to them by their role as doctors. However, her family faced numerous financial struggles. Initially, following the war, there were thousands of people to be tended to, remnants of the conflict. But, as time progressed, the Capitol citizens began to take advantage of the numerous technological advancements that rendered their medical knowledge inherently useless. As patients got better the doctors struggled more and more to maintain their former prosperity.

In hopes of helping their family Cassi's brother, Avian, had gotten a job right after secondary school, abandoning any dreams of University. However, the lack of a degree from the University made it increasingly difficult for Avian to secure a stable job. 

Cassi, unlike her brother, was driven by a sense of responsibility. After seeing her brother's struggle she dedicated herself to academic excellence. She believed that it was her role to restore her family's fortunes. The weight of her family's expectations weighed her down, pushing her to strive for perfection in every situation. Cassi usually achieved this level of perfection, except for one thing. One thing still remained out of her grasp, the Plinth Prize.

Coriolanus Snow was an ever-present feature in Cassi's life. He had been there for as long as she could remember, acting as a sort of academic rival. His calculated moves to provoke her, his constant taunts, and the relentless competition for academic superiority had cast a shadow over any relationship the two could've had. Coriolanus knew how to push her buttons, never failing to rub a superior grade in her face. Despite the dislike Cassi held for Coriolanus, she hoped to surpass his shadow, to finally push past the competition Coriolanus knowingly perpetuated.

a/n: this is the first chapter this is officially edited. i might come back to it to tweak something but it should remain relatively the same from now on!

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