Reaper!Jyushimatsu and Reader

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(Inspired by 'The Mask Slips Away' performed by RED.)

He sat down in the quiet room with a heavy sigh, a hand lifting up to rub against his face before falling away as his dark gaze settled on the only other person in the room.

They were laying on a hospital bed, covered by a thin sheet while tubes of various sizes sprouted from their skin and throat. A soft beep repeated itself every so often as a gentle hiss sounded every forced breath.

Their name was (y/n).

They had come in months ago to recover from the common cold while undergoing radiotherapy.

He knew them well, but only through the patient files. Jyushimatsu had studied them relentlessly since they had come under his care after they slipped into a coma only a week into their treatment here. There was something about them that he wanted to figure out but could never quite put his finger on why.

He had served under a few aliases throughout the decades while this hospital remained in operation, helping those ready to move on and calming those unwilling. He had seen thousands leave peacefully and dozens more protest their demise.

But....(y/n) was different.

Jyushimatsu knew that they should be sent on, their body remaining alive by only the technical definition.

However, their family and the doctor in charge of their case was adamant about them resuscitating at any point, thus they stayed in the hospital.

His brow furrowed as he leaned forward in the chair, his hands folding against each other before being pressed into his lips.

While his patient's status wasn't bothering him, the deadline that he had agreed to with the others was. (Y/n)'s soul remained untouched while the set date came and went.

They remained alive.

Jyushimatsu knew the others were coming, knew that they'd be coming as soon as tonight.

"Tick, tock, little Jyushimatsu."

His dark eyes snapped up to the sudden presence of two other men standing on either side of (y/n)'s comatose form, the red and purple colors decorating the figures underneath the long black hoods and cloaks indicated which of the others had come. Jyushimatsu stood up, the appearance of the nurse uniform falling away to reveal a similar black hood resting low over his head while his arms became engulfed in black sleeves that trailed down to his knees, the nursing pants shredding apart as a yellow zippered romper took its place. Laced sandals stitched themselves over his feet while metal anklets fastened tight just above them, the metallic color spreading across the tattered cloak before shifting into large safety pins that pinned the loose flaps down across his chest.

Both newcomers wore a smirk on their lips as they nearly mirrored each other in posture.

The one in red spoke first, "We've been gracious enough to let this drag on for as long as it did. Do your job or we'll take over."

"No," Jyushimatsu's eyes took on an eerie green glow, the others' following suit as he lowered his head just enough to cast a deep shadow over his eyes.

The one donned in a red shirt narrowed his gaze while a frown pressed down on his lips, the green hues thinning dangerously, "You can't say 'no', Jyushimatsu."

"I am," He took a step forward, neither of the others flinching at the movement, "What can I trade for more time? Their family is--"

"None of our concern," The purple-clothed man growled, one of his hands reaching out towards (y/n). His fingers deftly picked up a small carving that had been nestled next to their pillows, lifting the object up and holding it towards Jyushimatsu, "Mortals should not have sway over our decisions, yet this one does. You hold it in high enough regard that you've gifted it something."

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