Chapter 2: Nokukhanya's POV

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Nickname: "Khanya"
Author's note: "((...))"

"Uhambe kahle ngane yami"[travel well my child] my mom said as she pulled me in for a long and comforting hug. I try to not let the pool of tears that have formed in my eyes out because she'll also start crying and I don't want to increase her hypertension (aka known as high blood pressure in S.A)

"Uziphathe kahle, ungavumeli abantu badlale ngawe phela wena uyisithunywa wena"[take care of yourself, don't allow yourself to be taken advantage of because you're a spiritual messenger] and yes my dad had to remind me, trust me I respect the gift God has entrusted me with because not many people have it as many people might know it as being 'a prophet'. The gift has managed to tame me and I'm proud of the young woman it has turned me into. I just don't want to take advantage of it, I wanna respect it the respect the temple in which it dwells in(my body).

"Yebo ma yebo baba ngiyani thembisa ngizozi phatha kahle and angeke ngivumele abantu bangene esibayeni sakho baba ngyazi uchaza lokho"[yes mom yes dad I promise you I'll take care of myself and I won't let anyone enter your kraal I know that's what you meant(it means to not let anyone take your virginity without them marrying you)], after I say that me and my mom giggle and my dad chuckles. He's not a man of many words but when he tells you to do something you need to listen cause it's for your own good. Truth of the matter is I'm very nervous as I'm going to Cape Town as the University of Cape Town accepted me and NSFAS gave me a bursary, so I'll be living in the campus there.

*12 hours later*
I'm really tired as I throw my body on the single bed in my bedroom in the University residence, I'm not fully done packing but I'll just sleep now I'll wake up and do it tomorrow. I start to fall asleep but he pops up in my mind and I remember the events that took place two days ago. The way he looked at me and the way his face brightened when he smiled at me, I miss him. Wait am I getting obsessed already? Get a grip Khanya, focus he's probably another boy looking for one thing and we all know what it is

Well I guess it's time we kick him out of our mind Khanya *talk to the voice in my head*

((Will this be the end of 'the boy I fell in love with at first dance' is it even love. Keep reading to find out more😉😗))

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