Chapter 14: A new "friend" ??

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Nokukhanya's POV

He holds my hand and leads me into the house, going straight to one of the guest rooms. We enter and he shuts the door quietly and locks. All this while I'm still crying and I don't even care if he hurts me or kills me.

He sits on the bed and leaves me standing, he gently pulls my hand and let's me sit next to him and he pulls my upper body onto his chest and I start calming down after a few minutes. We stay in comfortable silence, silence that is full of peace. I'm starting to accept the fact that my father is gone, this man is quiet because he's trying to give me space. He knows I need it.

"You know I recently finished my degree and he promised to come with mom to my graduation, he said we'd take a lot of pictures and he'd send them to every single member of his family" I say while remembering the night I told them about the Sizwe incident.

I'm a crying mess as I just finished telling them about that night. My dad's eyes flash feelings of  pain and disappointment. He's disappointed in both me and himself, him because he was never able to tell that I wasn't okay during that time and in me because I couldn't tell him because he's used to me telling him almost everything.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that mntanam, I promise I'll try to be approachable and try to gain your trust so that you can be able to tell me such things."[my child] he says. Most people would think he's trying to victimize himself but I know he feels ashamed to even be called a father. "You know my child, you and I are not that close but I love you and I know you love me too, I promise to let our relationship have a platform where we get to talk about such things" my mother says as she tries to hide the fact that she's about to cry .

I shake my head at both of them as an indication that they don't have to blame theirselves, I can't even speak right now and I'm sure my face is red and my eye lids are swollen from all the crying I've been doing.

"Yaz you've always been a child that always made us proud and we're grateful for that it's not just ordinary, it's a gift a very beautiful one at that." My dad says. "Your graduation is coming up and haike mntanam sino mawakho siyokhip'unyawo. We've been saving up and we're going to give you money to get an outfit and nathi on our way there I'll buy a camera so we can take pictures. Phela sifuna babone ukuthi ingane yethu  yi' gladueti elino matikuletsheni"[yea your mother and I are going to give our all...we...we want them to see that our daughter is a graduate that has a matric certificate].

We all laugh at his last statement and that seems to lighten the mood. My dad may be a very strict and respectable man but lomuntu is a family man and he's not even ashamed of it[this person]. The way he treats my mother is so special, whenever they argue I'd never notice because of how quiet they are about it.

He's still listening and those ears of his are my biggest supporters right now. For once I'm unfolding all of my highlighted moments with him but I'm not sad instead I'm grateful.

I'm grateful that I got to have him in my life, that he treated me like the most important person in my life, that he taught me to respect everyone and everything around me, he taught me how to love my self.

"Are you feeling better now?" he asks in his deep masculine voice. I look in his eyes and I nod my head. Thank you for doing this. He nods, I guess he's nonchalant and that's okay.

He suddenly has this nervous look in his face which is very funny and amusing compared to the scary and hot look he always has on his face. I giggle and he looks at me with admiration and confusion, I giggle even more which turns into a laugh and he also starts laughing and I know he doesn't know why I'm laughing and that makes me laugh even harder.

I finally stop and wipe my tears after a good few minutes of laughing, well damn my stomach is painful, I mean we all know how good a laugh was if it results in a painful stomach.

"Thank you for that I really needed it" I say with a smile on my face. "I'm glad I got to be the joke of the day but what exactly did I do?" he asks.

"I just loved seeing that nervous look on your face, especially because your face is always like a rock." I say and that seems to click a light bulb in his head.

"OH, well about that I was hoping that we should talk for a while. You know just until you feel better well virtually if you don't mind" he nervously says. "Wow what a long and formal way to ask for a girl's number" I say and chuckle.

"I just thought we should communicate just to help each other emotionally if it doesn't work out we'll stop I promise" he suggests. I think for a while and start nodding slowly while looking into his eyes.

I get up the bed when I feel like I'm about to kiss him. "Yea that's okay" I reply.

He sees what was about to happen and also stands up. He smiles which reveals a cute dimple on his left cheek.

Guys hear me out I'm a sucker for dimples like I'm obsessed.

I head towards the door and turn the knob and I awkwardly ask "So friends??". He gives me and uncomfortable look and says "yea friends". "See you soon" I say in my lowest voice while looking at him with my most vulnerable eyes. He smirks and says "See you soon"

Well I'm officially back guys. Will I say I'm fine? No cause I'm not but I've decided to let God lead my way this time. Guys I'm so grateful for all the support I've been getting 🤍as we all know these are the school holidays I will be forcing myself to upload everyday cause I feel like I abandoned you guys and I'm so sorry🥲but y'all know I love you so please do stay tuned for this long dusty road that is full of turn and ups and downs🫀until tomorrow guys🤍🤭🫂

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