Chapter 10: I find peace in my insanity

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Ntando Mthethwa's POV(Bukhosibokthula's half sister)

I make sure I aim the gun directly at his head as the cold breeze hits my face, damn who knew trying to kill someone from the top of a building would be this cold I think silently chuckling.

This is a job for me now, well if this was  America we'd say I work for the SWATS but because it's South Africa I work with the Hawks, the Hawks are the South African Police Services' Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI), which targets organised crime, economic crime, corruption.

I work with them because I own a security company called Mvikeli wesizwe[Protector of the nation] we offer security services for businesses, homes and even a typical 'celebrity crisis'. We have highly trained men and women who were recruited from the military (aka soldiers).

Back to the current scene, here I am waiting for an opportunity to take out this lazy thief called a minister, what a corrupt country we live in, so yea remember I said I work with the Hawks and they also deal with corruption turns out they have a very dark side and that's where we come in. We kill or torture everyone that is a danger to the country as an order from the president.

I finally pull the trigger and I feel my blood heat from excitement, I mean I've been out if the game for a while now so this feels good. Seeing his guards scatter around and start to look for the angle in which the bullet came from while other shield the minister.

I crawl to find a very good hiding spot cause if I try to escape I'll be caught. I pull out my phone "It's done. Sort them out for me" I say through the phone, "Yes ma'am I'll have it taken care off in a few minutes, we've blocked the network tower in the area so no one can make any calls except you as you're using one of the military phones." my second in command says or let's call her my COO. I nod my head and hang up.

I put on my mask to prevent any gas from harming me and I stay still, after a few minutes 2-3 bombs go off and my ears ring for a while. This is what I live for, the danger just brings peace to my heart. Well I know most of my employees think I'm insane and I'm cool with that, I actually don't have time to be clearing rumors about me so they might as well keep on talking. What I'm insane?I mean that'd be my problem and no one else's so why should I stress about what they say about me, that insanity they're talking about is where I find my peace.

New character's POV!!what do you think about her ?please let me know in the comments below. I won't be able to post a lot as it is a very important academic year for me So time to play is fu**ed up!🥲Please do enjoy and thank you for the votes I really appreciate it!🥰🥰

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