Ch. 2 - The Life of Class D

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The Sudo case went just like it did in the Anime/LN and I didn't add it just 'cause its not important.

Ayanokoji POV

Its been less than a month since the school year has started and everyone seems to be blowing through their private points. Its too be expected if we get 100,000 points every month, and in this school 1 Yen equals 1 point. So people just blow through it because it has the name point in it. It creates a sense of undervaluing.

I don't spend that much points just because I don't find anything interesting, sure I buy food ingredients and some books to pass the time when I'm in my room. But aside from that I don't buy anything. Some people in my class are saving their points because they just want to have extra money. Well not all of them, as I'm walking by my classroom to go the library where I like to relax, I hear this boy named Yamauchi. He looks average in just about everything with only having a brown middle part to look at.

Yamauchi - Guys check out what I just bought! Its the ZS6!

Extra boy - Awesome! How much did it cost!

Yamauchi - Nothing much just 30,000 points. I mean we get 100,000 points next month!

Well of course a person like him would spend that much points on a console. To be honest I'm not fond of this point system and every month us getting that much. Well I couldn't care less I'm wasting time I could spend reading.

The Life of Ayano

My day starts at 5 am because I need some time to get ready. I start with stretches, a little run around the dorms, and finish it out with a little workout. After that I go the shower, make breakfast and check if I did all my homework last night. After all that I just make myself some tea and relax until its time to leave the dorm. I try to arrive at the last minute so I have a quiet walk to the school and so I don't have to listen to all of the class until homeroom starts. But sometimes it doesn't mean anything because today there a lot of girls in the lobby, but today has a different vibe to it. I hear girls talking about swimsuits even though its still to chilly to wear some. 'Maybe they want to prepare for summer? But summer is in a couple months?' I had no idea, I never explored around the school unless part of my day included it. So I didn't know if we had a indoor pool or not.

Same happens when I walk into class, the atmosphere feels different. I would assume that something big happens if it has all the 1st years talking all morning. So I ask more seatmate about it.

Ayanokoji - Hey Horikita, do you know why everyone is so worked up this morning?

Horikita - You haven't heard? Well its too be expected from a outcast like you. We have our first swimming class today.

Oh, so that's why the girls were talking about swimsuits. 'But I don't have a swimsuit...' I hope I can borrow one from the school. I already know that some of the perverts in our class are going to be ogling the girls. Mainly the Idiot Trio that the girls like to call them since they have the worst grades, horrible attitude, and just don't pay attention.


Time Skip to Pool

I was lucky that our homeroom teacher asked if anyone needs a spare swimsuit because without one we would've got in trouble. The swim teacher told all of us to go change in the bathrooms so we did. Most of the guys were competing to see who looked the best, everybody agreed that Koenji was 1st and Sudo was 2nd everybody else just looked the same. Once we were done changing we went out and saw that most of the girls were already out and waiting for us. Once we all gathered the instructor told us to do some streches and then we will all do a competition to see who is the fastest. Girls went first and some of the boys were staring daggers at them. While I was looking at the guys I just felt a hand grab my arm, pulling me away.

Horikita - Come on don't get involved with does perverts. You'll make an enemy of all girls in the class.

Ayanokoji - Ok but wont people get the wrong idea if people see us sitting together?

I could see that she paused for a moment tightening the grip on my forearm. As she did so she asks a question that too be honest I didn't expect.

Horikita - Hey Ayano do you workout?

Ayanokoji - I used too... And also what's with Ayano?

She didn't answer my question and instead just threw me to the wall. Well more like pushed since she didn't use that much force. We just stayed quiet until Horikita was called up for her turn in the competition. She came in 2nd which to be honest is good since who she was up against. After the girls turn and having their winner who was in the swim club, it was the boys turn. So I stood up as I was in the 1st round and of as I saw who I was challenging I soon realized I was up against Koenji. Since he was already pretty athletic and I didn't look that great of a swimmer I just threw my chances of winning. Mainly by after the race starting I just said I got cramp and having the teacher throw me a lifeguard. While just floating in the water I heard the only girl that talks to me say something.

Horikita - Hey Ayanokoji need a hand.

I just nodded and accepted her hand that was reaching out for me. While doing so I could hear some girls oohing and ahhing at us. It didn't bother me but I could see that Horikita was turning her head away with red blush marks on her face.


Back in the classroom everyone was already tired and just mumbling that they want to go back to their dormroom. All I wanted to do was read and maybe watch a movie later tonight. While I was looking out the window and seeing some faculty members walking outside I heard the sliding door open, and seeing our homeroom teacher named Chabashira at the pedestal in front of the class. I turn my head and see her write something on the chalkboard.

'Midterms next week. Make sure to study.'

I've never done a midterm but its probably like the stuff I did at home. If you fail then you get expelled.

(Chabashira explained that to the students I'm just to lazy to write it.)

I could hear some people screaming about having us expelled over failing an exam is crazy and not fair. But I didn't care I've dealt with stuff like this so its not that bad. All you have to do is get above the average, I didn't want my grades to skyrocket or go down so I'm just going to get 60's on all my subjects. Well I was planning on it until I heard a certain girl talk.

Kushida - Hey everyone! Since nobody wants to fail and be expelled lets form study groups!

Hirata - Kushida is right lets all form groups and pass together! 

Well there go my chances if I don't join a group than I'll be even more of a outcast. So while everyone was picking groups which to be honest are just there friend groups, I could see some people nervous to join but eventually did so. I didn't want to be in a group full of people because I like studying by myself. And besides the only people left all have their share of problems.

Sudo has no control over himself. He lashes out at the smallest stuff, to be honest I want somebody to take control over him. I don't want to cause he would just cause problems. Then we have Yamauchi and Ike they are both perverts and stupid. Not only do they not try in class but they don't turn in homework nor study. And lastly there is Horikita, sure she is smart and has control over herself the only problem is, is that she is not cooperative. But since the whole class has already formed groups we had to pair up, we didn't look all that frilled. Except for Ike and Yamauchi because we had Kushida in our group. So the group looked like this.

Me, Suzune Horikita, Haruki Yamauchi, Kanji Ike, Ken Sudo, and Kikyo Kushida because she wants to be friends with Horikita.

'This is going to go wrong on so many levels...' I looked at Horikita and she had the same thought as I did.

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