Ch. 8 - Beach Fun🍋

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A/N - First time doing lemon hope you like it. I'm going to tell you when it starts and stops so those who want to skip can. Now yes I have read lemons and know how it works so hopefully no complaining. Hopefully your most favorite author, -Sierra.

Ayanokoji POV

Following the announcement, we were told to meet up at the deck of the ship. Once all the teachers and students arrived we had been told about the island exam and all the rules about it. Concluding the explanation you could hear a lot of unhappy students voicing their options about how they deserve a real vacation. But that fell on empty ears because they kept saying that we would need this in the work environment.

'But what type of work environment leaves you on a deserted island?' That's what I would've said but they are probably right about this being needed in the real world. After all the students stopped reprimanding the teacher who was explaining the rules, he had also told us about the watches we are all going to get. Apparently it had the capabilities of tracking location, sending distress calls, and a flashlight in it. 

The rules are as explained.

-Each Class will start out with 300 S-Points

-You are able to spend these points to buy supplies, activities, etc.

-Each Class will choose a 'leader' who will be able to occupy a spot to earn more S-Points

-In the case of a student dropping out that class which they are in will lose 30 S-Points

-At the end of the test the leader will be able to guess the other team leaders for S-Points. If you guess correctly you gain 50 SP and the other team lose 50 SP. But if you guess incorrect you lose 50 SP and they gain 50 SP

-Other small rules and actions to do if something happens.

Mashima - With all the rules out of the way each go to their respective teachers and wait for further instruction!

Saying that he got off the tiny platform he was standing on so his class can gather around. We also went to our teacher who was Chabashira who was standing near a tent setup by the teachers earlier.

Chabashira - Ok, you all heard the rules.  Go ahead and pick a leader now or you can do that later. I will follow you all until you pick a place to settle down.

Onodera - Well how about we choose Hirata as leader! After all he is the best pick!

Hirata Fangirls - Yeah lets do that!/What she said!

You have got to be kidding me. If we pick him as leader its going to painfully obvious he's our leader and we'll lose all our points. Looks like I need to use Horikita to convince everybody this is a bad idea. I shuffle my way over to her and tap her shoulder.

"Hey Horikita can you tell them this is a bad idea."

Horikita - Sigh Listen everybody. I agree we need a leader but it should not be Hirata. It is obvious to other classes he will be our leader so we should choose someone less conspicuous.

Kushida - Well how about we choose you as leader Horikita! After all you can lead pretty well but don't stand out as much like me or Hirata.

Horikita - If that's what you say then I don't have room to argue.

Hirata - Well know that we have a leader lets go over some stuff we should buy. Mrs. Chabashira can we have the pamphlet.

Chabashira doing as he said walked over to a box in the tent and pulled out the pamphlet and brought it back to us.

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