Ch. 6 - First Expulsion

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A/N - All right by the title you can guess what happens... its just like one piece title cards :). Well anyway right after this Ch. 7 is going to be the cruise and Chs. 8-11 are island exam so tell me if you want me to make them super long like 5-7k words for plot.

Ayanokoji POV

After that wild encounter which I call Horikita was done with, I headed down the stairs and to the right corridor nearest to me which after enough walking led me to where Hiyori had called me. There were some students walking and talking about what they're getting today. I heard one boy mention tortinos. 'What are tortinos? From the way he was describing it, it was probably a microwavable food... I need to ask Hiyori about this.'. And speaking of the devil or more preferably an angel there she was, standing infront of me with a worrisome face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked while lifting my brow slightly up.

Hiyori - Oh well its just you were staring at that student super deeply. So I wanted to ask you why?

"Oh well he was talking about a food I have never heard of before. Do you know what tortinos are?"

Hiyori - (blank face) Why am I not surprised... After all, you didn't even know what ice-cream is.

After she said that she grabbed the wrist of my uniform and tugged me to move with her. After doing so which was bothersome we had our lunch while we were eating she was talking about tomorrow trying all the foods I never had before and that we'll talk tomorrow whatever time we're free. I nodded along at whatever she was saying but what caught my eye was that she was going to pay for me, which I nodded instantly earning a small laugh from her. 

And with that the bell rang reminding me we still have classes to attend to. Before I was able to leave Hiyori said that after the midterms were revealed that we should hang out. I agreed since I have no reason to object. A little while later classes had resumed and we had to study for the midterms tomorrow, our class had studied quite a bit so I was positive that we would all pass.

(TimeSkip-chan comes in clutch with saving me from writing)

I was in my dormroom sitting on a chair the school provided, drinking some lemon tea. I was scanning over the study guide the teacher gave out. Questions 1-20 were easy which is the whole test but only for math there was still English, Japanese, History, and Science. After reviewing all of them I could see that the questions were simple enough for me so I'm just going to settle with 70 since that's a safe bet. I got a ping on my phone which I thought would be a message but no just a notification to charge my phone. 'Wait what? how is it 11:46 PM I was sure I was paying attention.' I had to go to bed because I wanted to feel refreshed in the morning and not a living corpse. After finishing my shower, eating some food, and finally my soft bed awaits. And with that my tiring day came to an end.


'Ughhh... it felt like I just went to sleep' Tap. It feels like I got barely any sleep, well anyways it's not healthy to lay in bed all day even though I do want to. I need to get ready for today I need to look nice today because the internet said that when you hangout with a friend you should look presentable. But before we hangout everybody needs to take the midterm so that's a factor in it. (Anyways enough rambling and lets go to school.) 'Huh weird, I swear I heard someone?'.

Right After eating breakfast which was just bread with jelly, which I have to tell you is delicious especially when you toast the bread then it becomes 10 times better. Finishing up with my food I had to prepare so I took my ruler, pencil, eraser, and my sharpener and that's all I need, so I can leave now.

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