Ch. 9 - Class D = Divided

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A/N - Had to rush since I forgot to work on it, but I wanted you guys to read it on Valentines day :) Man I am so lonely... ╯︿╰

Also I forgot to tell you I'm switching the text so its easier to understand.

"T-rex" - Speak

'T-rex' - Think/Thought

Ayanokoji POV

1 day has passed since we came to the island. And in that time I have had a new experience, and also portrayed as a traitor in this class. Not that I mind I have had the same thing happen to me before. Everyone at one point is swayed into believing something, be it good or bad.

I've been trying to get people to change their view on me. I mean how is it bad to hangout with a friend from another class. Everyone in the class does it yet if I do it since I'm a loner it is considered as traiteurs activity.

Luckily I got put into a group which is supposed to find some food. This tiny group had me, Ike, and Inogashira. Ike only came along because he wanted to get a girl to like him. And I joined because of Hirata, who said that I should at least help around.

Anyways we've been gathering some food for about 10 minutes, we or more like Ike took all my credit found berries, apples, oranges, and some funny colored mushrooms... Yeah he's gonna die if he eats those.

Walking up a hill to get back to base we saw a person sitting by a tree. Ike upon noticing said person walked up to them to ask some questions.

Ike - "Hey are you alright? Where's your class? Are you hurt?"

Ibuki - "I don't need your help. And I'm just taking a rest, my group went ahead."

She had lied, a lot. She doesn't look the best with a bruise on her face and her holding her ankle as if she twisted it. Also when she pointed she had pointed towards our base so they couldn't have gone that way.

Ike - "But what's with that bruise on your face? And also your holding your foot as if your in pain."

What the?! When had Ike been this observant? Is it because of Yamago- cough cough Yamauchi.

She had stayed silent after he had said that as to not answer it. But eventually after more asking she revealed that she got kicked out of her class and they had left her here. Inogashira was against it since she thought she was a spy.

Ike - "Well since me and Inogashira are carrying everything you can carry her traitor."

Ibuki - "Fine you can carry me, just don't be a pervert! And do something unnecessary!"

My life is not so peaceful. Squatting down she climbs onto my back and I stand up. My hands are on her thighs as to not drop her, but her thighs are soft. Sometimes they would become a little bit harder due to her leg injury but they are still good. Wait what am I thinking?

TimeSkip~ To base

Inogashira - "Hey Hirata! We got the food! Also we have an extra package."

Hirata - "What do you mean by extra package?"

Most of the class is heading towards us to also figure out what she means by extra package. They see me holding Ibuki and are complaining.

Random Class D's - "Hey what are you doing here! Why did you bring her! Bringing in spy's now!"

Throwing insults even though I didn't do anything. Hirata was calming everyone down and saying to hear us out. Ibuki still on my back leaned in closer to my ear to whisper.

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