Ch. 10 - Master Thief?

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A/N - Alright before we begin I have accouple things to say and also sorry for not posting again.

1 - So turns out I have skipped ALOT of stuff in this story this includes (Opening Ceremony, Convivence store, Sudo case, and some other stuff I forgot about.)

2 - Thanks to LIMC46 I realize that I didn't use honorifics for the characters

3 - And also this is for you, Ralph_360, thanks for reminding me!

I had to rack my brain for this one. I had to come up with a whole plan on how this event happens so I hope you like it (:

Ibuki POV

I'm currently within Class Ds base and like usual they ignore the both of us. When I mean 'both' I mean the boy the class hates. Honestly if Shinna was here she would probably cry and ask Ayanokoji if he's okay. What does she in him anyways that makes him so special.

Anyway its been pretty boring this past week, tomorrow we're leaving and ending this exam. It looks like its going to rain today and that is actually in my favor right now. Making it easier to steal Class D's leader card, and bring it back to Ryeun. I have my guesses on who it might be and who it obviously isn't.

The people I suspect most are Hirata and Kushida. Hirata is a important figure in this class due to his trust with his classmates. I usually see him giving orders, tasks, and requests. The other possible leader might be Kushida, she helps every person that asks for help and is also seen giving orders to their classmates.

And the people who are obviously not the leader are Class D's perverts and also Ayanokoji. To be honest no sane person is going to give a pervert or an idiot control over a class, even I can figure out by that much. And then there's Ayanokoji, I think this class is over reacting way to much. He told me that the only person he considers his friend is Shinna, and that he barely talks to his own class.

What I've seen so far also backs this up, whenever they need to claim their spot about 7 people gather around it and build a wall out of their bodies. Its a good idea but incredibly stupid, since it dwindles possible candidates from 24 to 7.

Well anyway, today I'm stealing the card so I can get some points from Ryeun. I was planning on buying-

Ayanokoji - "Hey. Hey! Ibuki are you listening?"

Huh? What's he trying to talk about now?

"What do you want now. Want to talk? Maybe sleep? Ohh maybe you want a lap pillow~"

Ayanokoji - "Since were you this bold. And no I don't want that, I just wanted to ask you to get some food since our food is out."

"Hahhh, sure I guess just help me up."

Helping me up he puts my arm around his shoulder so I can walk better, even though I'm shorter than him it still doesn't feel uncomfortable. We slowly make our way out camp were I can see some people looking at us. Don't get what's so wrong about having other class friends.

Ayanokoji POV

Picking some apples out of a tree I put them in my bag. I've already got some apples, bananas, and cobs of corn. Ibuki is helping me by gathering berries and other foods that are near the ground as to not hurt her leg that much. We've been having some chit-chat there and then but I'm having this feeling something is going to happen.

Ibuki - "Can you believe it! Then Albert came in and started shedding some tears it made me want to beat up Ryeun so badly! Oh yeah you don't know who Albert is, well his name is Yamada Albert-"

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