Ch. 4 - Close Friends

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I am so sorry for not posting for a while I was just distracted with other things but I promise I will try from now on to post regularly.

A/N: I have no idea how to write romance and have never had a relationship so please don't be hating on this 'cause I have no idea what a couple is like. :( 

Also the Midterms is gonna be on the 6th chapter just to clarify this chapter and the next are probably going to last 2 days in their world so yeah.

I am so sorry but it seems I messed up the order of the story! Apparently they were supposed to lose all their class points and I forgot to add it into the story. So just pretend they have zero points and live on their last months allowance! Again so sorry!

Ayanokoji POV

The girl I had just met not that long ago is now sitting next to me reading a book with me. Or more like she pushed me into reading with her, buy it doesn't matter. To be honest I'm having a relaxing time it is around 7 in the afternoon and we have been reading for about 3 hours. There are barely any people left in the library and it is quiet unless me and Shinna talk to each other about the book we just read. I'm about to be done with the 2nd book in the series of novels that she recommended to me, when I feel a touch on my shoulder and when I look at it I see Shinna just poking me.

"Can I help you Shinna?" I ask in a way that makes it seem like I'm tired since I see in her eyes that she is starting to get droopy.

Shinna - Well Ayanokoji, I was wondering since we've been reading, we haven't ate anything in a while. So I was going to ask you if you want to go to a cafe?

Well that was unexpected, I saw that she had bit of pink tint on her face but decided to not notice. But I have to agree I'm starting to get hungry and last time I ate food was 6-7 hours ago. So I just nod my head 'yes' and she starts smiling. I have to agree it is nice to have a friend and book buddy where you both have the same hobbies and interests. Soon after I nodded we packed up our stuff and checked out a couple of books so we can read them in our dorms. We also put away the ones we would save for later next time we come to read together.

'Next time... we read together'

I felt something pulling me down in my chest but after playing with my uniform it went away. Well that was weird. Soon after we finished up in the library Shinna was talking about the cafes we could go to. This included a cat cafe, coffee cafe, robot cafe, and a normal cafe. We eventually decided on a cat cafe since Shinna had a thing for cats. We've been walking for awhile now and are almost near the mall where the cafe is. I notice that Shinna is starting to fidget with her hands and hold onto her phone and squeezing it.

Shinna - Hey Ayanokoji I was wondering if you want to exchange contact info, so we can talk to each other and not just in the library.

I was a little bit shocked considering the stuff I've read so far, usually you ask for a number after a date or the end of hanging out. But since she asked and I cant refuse her cause then it would seem rude I just agreed. "Sure I guess, I also wanted to ask to exchange info with you." 

I can she her look up at me and draw a smile on her face. After we agreed we exchanged contact info so we could message each other and not just meet up in the library. Soon after we finished we went to the cafe and it was already half past 7 so no people were there except the workers just cleaning. I could see one worker picking up cat hair after we walk in.

It was a pretty warm environment had cozy seats on the floor with coffee tables near chairs, it had some candles mostly vanilla smell which I personally like. Since I still have points from last month I decided to pay for the both of us, after I paid we walk over to the chairs that were almost like beanbags that were on the floor one had a cat face the other had a elephant face with a tail. Shinna keeps on scooting closer to me which I don't understand why, its already warm in here I don't want her to be hot. After awhile of us waiting a lady came up to us and handed us a menu saying to come over to the counter when we are done deciding.

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