Ch. 3 - Meeting the Angel

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A/N: Last chapter they created the study group and you guessed it this is going to be boring to write. More than 1000 words just about studying. I will try to make it enjoying just don't expect much.

Ayanokoji POV

As I was waking up and realized the time was 7:21 am. It was a Saturday and we were supposed to meet up at a cafe to study together. I didn't want to be late 'cause I didn't want to get a bad rep on the first study session. As I was getting ready to head out Horikita started texting me.


Horikita: Hey Kiyotaka when are you going to be arriving?

Me: At the time that you said to be at. Also since when did you start calling me by my given name?

Horikita: I'll stop if you want, but just don't be late.

Me: Ok. See you later.

I put my phone away already set to go for the cafe. I was wearing some black shoes, black sweatpants, and a button up shirt. I decided to dress simple since its just a study session. I walked into the  lobby of the dorm room and noticed a girl with pink hair sitting on a couch just zoned out.

I tapped her lightly on the shoulder asking. "Are you feeling okay?". She quickly shot up her head looking at me. As soon as she looked at my face she was shocked a little.

Ichinose - Oh sorry! No I was just waiting for somebody. Sorry to make you worry.

"Its no worry sorry to have bothered you. Mind me asking who your waiting for?" I was curious as too who she was waiting for. But I was bored with the answer.

Ichinose - Just a couple classmates we're going to be studying together.

She said that with a smile on her face, I just nodded trying to cut the conversation short, and as soon as I did that I just left. Because I was cutting close to the meeting time, as I was walking away I turned around to see the girl still staring at me. I paid no mind to it and walked off. A couple minutes after walking I arrived at the location and saw everyone else already there. I walked up to the table and told them I'm going to go get a drink before we start. Some just nodded as I walked to the register ordering my drink, 'I've never had a milkshake' while looking at the milkshake list. "Excuse me. I'd like a Vanilla milkshake." The barista just  smiled and nodded and started making it.

This is not real. I think. I just put it as my favorite drink.

A couple minutes later and I'm walking back to the table with my drink. With every slurp from my cup the top of my mouth got colder and colder. My face didn't show it but inside my head I was freaking out at how good it was. As I sat down at the table Horikita was looking at me with a puzzled look.

Horikita - Is this your first time trying a milkshake Ayanokoji?

'I wonder how she knew it was...' and just nodded 'yes' while still slurping. I was halfway done when Kushida started talking about starting to study and sharing note with the Idiot Trio and us. We had been studying for about 30ish minutes before anyone could've guessed Yamauchi started whining and complaining about how hard this was. Everyone saw it coming sooner or later. Soon after his disruption, Horikita and Yamauchi started fighting about how this was needed or that he can study by himself. But we all know that he is just going to play videogames and slackoff. Soon after 1 by 1 the people in our group left starting with Yamauchi then Ike then  shockingly Sudo stayed for 10 extra minutes after Ike left. Which shocked those of us left. Sure after the case he has calmed down and taken studying a little more serious but we didn't know that it would lead to this.

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