chapter 1 - page 1

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I woke up and pushed my hair out of my face "oh my, I couldn't sleep well last night, I always get worked up over new things, hmm what time is it?" I thought to myself. I got out of bed to get my phone to see its only 05:30,hmm It seams like my parents are at work again, I went for a shower then got dressed, I but my hair into a losses ponytail just so I could get a light bit of make-up on, I then but my hair into a bun. I went back up stairs to get my phone and take it of charge, I now saw it was 07:30 I quickly got my shoes and bag on and quickly walked to My best friend Ellie's "I wonder what she looks like now after the summer?" I whispered to myself. I just kept walking to Ellie's.

10 minutes later

"okay I can do this!" I said. I knocked on the door to see a little girl around. "Yeah I'm guessing your Katelyn?" the little girl asked. "Yeah I am!" I Replied. "well then come on in! Ellie has a lot to tell you!" the little girl said "oh and by the way I'm Juliette" Juliette said why getting her jumper on. I waited downstairs in the sitting room Waiting for Ellie to come down stairs. I think 5 minuets has past and she started to walk downstairs. "Oh hi there glade you could make it!" Ellie said

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