We've got this PT 3 -page 21

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Katelyn pov
In Amabel room

I got out of the shower and got changed into a black zipped jumper and black tights. I went into Amabel's room and went to where the make-up is. I started to dry my hair so I could curl it. I finally got it dried and done.


I looked over at the time and sighed.

"I'm getting to old to be doing this type of lipstick but it works" I said to myself.

"It looks very nice and noone is to old enough for putting dark red lipstick on" Amabel said

"R-really?" I asked.

"Of course sweetheart" Amabel replied.

Amabel helped me to do my hair and the rest of the makeup that I did badly.

"There you go sweetheart, oh looks like the boys are home" Amabel said.

"YOU 3 MARCH YOUR ASS TO THE SHOWER NOW" Amabel yelled trying to keep them in line.

I went down stairs to open the door to see Ellie.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"The dinner?" Ellie laughed

"Oh right yeah" I laughed a bit before shutting the door the. Going back upstairs.

"Would you like some help?" Ellie asked

"Yeah, that would be lovely" I replied.

We went up stairs and finally getting everything ready I finally was done

And we've still got an hour left. I really thought that I would only have like 10 minutes left so I'm happy and it's all thanks to them that we gotten this far.

"Kate do you have your stuff ready?" Ellie asked.

"Yeah" I said

"Wait babe what are you doing here?" Ray asked.

"Well you said something about this Being Kates first time so I guess I kinda wanted to help since I know how it feels to be the new one there" Ellie said.

"Ah I see but as soon as I'm done you owe me a kiss" Ray said.

"Alright my love" Ellie said.

Ellie talked to me more about the dinner and even tho I agreed to it I didn't really know much about the dinner and what it was for. Something about being over 16 years old to told to people other than people at your table you had to be under 10 to go to the bathroom threw the speech and age limit to talk to the waiter is 18. Like what the hell is going on I don't understand. Why am I only just getting told this now. I just don't Understand what's going on. Do I speak to Cody about this or do I just keep this to myself. Will I even be on the same table as him?. I'm younger than the brothers and if this is what I think it is that Ellie told me about last time then this isn't going to go well.


Cody's POV

"Whoa Ellie is your girlfriend?!" Cody said.

"Yeah...?" Ray said

"And you didn't think to us" Cody Said

"Well im sorry I thought yous knew since last year I took her to the dinner and we where holding hands" Ray said.

"Well I don't pay attention on that stuff" I said.

"Well that's kinda obvious since so many girls have tried to ask you out and you just simile and go back to what you where doing" Ray said.

"Wait what? Is that really what I do?" I asked

"Yeah" Ray said.

"Before Katelyn like over 20 girls asked you out and you just smiled" ray said

"That's one of the reasons why a lot of girls don't like Kate since you atcally responded to her" Ray said trying to get Cody to know he's an idiot.

"Oh Welp I'm okay with Kate she's got my heart" I said

"I Think I need some alone time with someone now" the older brother said.

(An:idk what I'm writing anymore)

"Come on everyone it's time" Amabel

They all went out to the car and all the  emotions started to rush throw.

To be continued

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