the party - page 8

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The sleepover
Katelyn's POV

I woke up to see I was cuddling into Cody. I tried to get up so I could start setting out the stuff for tonight but I couldn't so I tried to wake Cody up But it seems I already woke Cody up when I was trying to get myself up of the bed

"Good morning sleepyhead" I said "Good morning sunshine" Cody replied "since when did you start calling eachother nick names?" Ray asked. "We do it time to time but I guess we've been doing it a lot more than usual" I said. "Well you guys have to get drinks then I think we're all settled" Ray said "since when did you help" Cody Laughed. "I don't know I'm tired leave me alone" Ray complained "Come on Ray Let's go" Chester Yelled as he was at the door getting ready to leave. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming, I'm coming" Ray complained in a tired voice.

Me and Cody got up had breakfast and something to drink then we got dressed and went to the shop to get drinks for everyone we got a lot of different drinks.

"Well I think this will be a good little party just before the October break" Ray laughed "well I think we might have gone over bored" Katelyn said as she laughed at all the stuff they got.

Just before the party

*Ding dong, Ding Dong*
I went to the Door to see Abigail and Ellie. "HEY! I'm so happy you guys could make it today" I said inviting them into the house and into the living room. "Sorry we're a bit early we thought yous might want some help and we got some drinks for everyone as a thank you for letting us come" Ellie said as she handed the Bag to me, I walked over to Cody and gives him the bag since I didn't know where to put it. "It's nice to see you smile again" Abigail said as she smiled "Thank you guys" I said as I ran up to them and hugged them.

After everyone arrived

"So Cody what's the plan?" Obe of his friends asked "well I think we should introduce ourselves and then we can watch a movie then play some games" Cody said "alright but what tips of games?" The friend asked again "everyone gonna get to pick one game and we'll have to play it" Ray said trying to help Cody and Katelyn out.


"Well Then I'm Laim" said the friend. Laim had blonde hair and light brown eyes.

"I'm Aaron" said the other friend. Aaron had brown hair with medium blue eyes.

"I'm Chester" he said shyly

"I'm Ray but you already knew that" He said as he smirked.

"I'm Cody" he said as he looked at me

"I'm Marco" he said as he stepped closer to me after seeing that Cody was looking at me

"I'm Ellie nice to meet yous" Ellie said

"I'm Abigail but yous can call me Abi" Abigail said

"And I'm Katelyn but you can All me Kate I hope we can all get along tonight" I said as I tilted my head to side a bit and smiled.

They where in the living settings up the TV to start watching the movie.

Katelyn and Cody sat next to each other on the lover's chair while Everyone else was sitting on the couch or on chairs or on the floor. Katelyn ended up nearly falling asleep on Cody's shoulder.

They finish watch the movie and went outside to play some games since it was a nice night.

"Well it's time to start playing games! who wants to go first?" Cody asked? "How about we go in alphabet order?" Simon suggested. Nodded my head and looked at Aaron. "You get to pick first Aaron" I said We all sat down in fold up chairs in a circle.

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