are you ready for us? - page 22

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No-ones POV
On there way to the restaurant

Katelyn was nervous and didn't know how to feel about what is all going on she thought it would make stuff worse for Cody if she told him she was nervous cause Cody was also very nervous and didn't know how to handle anything at the moment, so she Just sat there in silence with everyone else.

At the restaurant

"Wait last time it was in a different restaurant yeah?" Ellie Said

"Yes it was but it needs to change every year so no one can find out who these people really are" Ray said

"I see" Ellie said.

"Babe... try to learn as much as you can just by hearing us saying it. I'll make it a bit less confusing than it already is" Cody said

Katelyn nodded her head and took a deep breath then to let it out.

"It will be a little bit colder than last year since they wanted to see who can all stand the heat with just what the got to see who's really real" Amabel said.

"This is a lot to take in" Katelyn said

"Don't worry I've got you, we all do" Cody said as he toke her in his.

They all got out the car and got all of Thier things. They headed into the building and got seated. The waiter took they're order. Amabel left Cody and Katelyn outside so Katelyn can take a moment incase she had a panic attack cause of everything going on

With Cody and Katelyn
Outside of the restaurant
Katelyn's POV

"My love, Remember to Take deep breaths" cody said as he squeezed Katelyn's hand.

"C-can I get a kiss?" I asked

"Will it take the weight off your shoulders?" Cody said

"Maybe..." I said

"Fine come here" Cody said.

I went on my tippy toes and kissed Cody on the lips.

"Feel any better?" Cody asked

" I Think so..." I said

"Alright let's go in" he replied.

"Alright" I said as I looked him in the eye.

We where about to head inside when a man went behind Cody and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hmm need any help?" Cody said as he turned around.

I couldn't see his emotions but he stepped closer to me and took my hand.

"Oh Cody looks like you have a new lover" a man said.

"Well, I told you she wanted someone older didn't I Mr M? Didn't I" A voice that I recognised said

"Unfortunately it wasn't who I expected she would have gone for since she such a cutie and very friendly while your not exactly the friendly type now are you Cody" the voice said.

"What do you want"Cody said as he took my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"What am I not allowed to say hello to my deer friend?" The voice said.

"We're not friends!" Cody said as his tone of voice started to get more angery.

"Well you did invite me to your sleepover party thing" the voice said.

"No I didn't! I invited Aaron and you where with him that night" Cody said as he squeezed my hand tightener and pulled me even closer to him.

"Oh? What a shame I thought we where friends!" The voice said

"We're not friends after what happened" Cody said

"But that happened back in first year we're now 4th year come on but it behind like what you have done" the voice said

"Let it go Laim..."


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