Christmas - page 18

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25th if December
Katelyn's POV

I woke up and truned around to face Cody. I leaned in a bit and kiss Cody. Cody smiled and pulled me in closer and kissed me.

"Am I your little secret?" I asked

"W-what do yo mean?" Cody asked

"Well yesterday you got a phone call about the Christmas dinner thing but the way the person was talking they sounded very posh" I said.

"Well when you say it like that I guess you are my secret" Cody said.

"I've got a question" I said

"Alright go for it" Cody said

"When you got told about the dinner thing why did you tell me first instead your mum or your brothers?" I asked

Cody smiled.

"Well it happens every year this time I told you first in case if something happened but the others already knew but this year it seems to be the latest we haved it" Cody said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well normally its in the middle of the year but when we Didn't get a call we all kinda where shocked but relift" Cody Said.

He truned his head to look at a photo he had printed of from when we went to the beach party last year.

"So everyone was shocked when I said I was taking you this time" Cody said.

"Ah I see" I said.

We just laid there in silence but it was a nice silence. Cody told me everything about the people we're going to be having dinner with tomorrow.


"By the way love their will Be a 18 year old boy there, please don't talk to him we nothing other than bad news, and your only allowed to talk to us no one else" Cody said

I nodded my head "is their an age thing then if I can't speak to a lot of people?" I asked.

Cody nodded his head "yes you have to be 16 to be go around and talk to people" Cody said.

"What about me what would I do?" I asked

"I'm old enough to keep my on you for some odd reason" Cody said.

I reached out for my phone that was sitting on the bed stand.

"Is everything okay my love?" Cody asked


"Yeah, it's also only 7am" Cody said trying not to laugh.

"Ah right yeah sorry about that I just really love Christmas and spending it with you is going to be fantastic" I said as i snuggled up to Cody.

"Yeah absolutely" Cody said.

Later on

Everyone went down stairs and got to open their presents.

After that they got ready and went outside to the car.

Amabel took them to Thier dad's house Even tho they weren't so happy about it.

They got to Thier dad's and got seated down for dinner.

After Thier dinner they got to open there presents that the dad side of the family had.

They all had a great time...

Well they thought everyone was having A great time

Cody's POV

I saw Katelyn, she went out side so I followed her

"Hey are you okay baby?" I said.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah I'm okay, just needed some fresh air I guess" Katelyn said.

"You sure you normally can't deal anything when your around a lot of people" I said.

"Well I guess their is something on my
Mind" Katelyn said

"Go ahead" I said

She truned around and looked at me.

"B-baby are you okay?" I asked.

Seeing tears falling from her face hear it in her voice was something I couldn't handel.

"What are we going to do?" She said with her voice all Broken.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well your going to be going onto college while I'm going to be stuck at high school" Katelyn said.

I pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out, we always do" I said.

I Kissed her lips and we just stayed there for a while holding each other.

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