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Mouths Later 28-06-2023
Katelyn's POV

I've been Hang out with Ellie, Abigail and Simon a lot these past mouths. The day after Christmas I got a girlfriend, I've been going out with here for 6 mouths and 25 days. but I feel like somethings of but I can't tell what.

In The Moring

I woke up to my phone going of *Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* "hmm why is someone calling me at this time" I looked at my phone to see it was my Gf. Before I could answer it hang up. I tried to call her back but I got no serves.

I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I went down stairs to get a snack, I looked around the house to see no one was home. I got changed and went out for a run when I came back in it was 6am so I just went for a shower. I got my hair and make-up down. I was about to leave the house when I got a call from my gf so I picked up the phone.

"Hey Kate" my gf said with a worry in her voices

"Hi is everything okay" I asked

"Yeah I just wanted to call you before you went to school" she said, then hang up on me.

I got really pissed of at that. I but my phone in my bag and headed to Ellie's. For the first time she was outside waiting for me. "hey, why you late?" Ellie asked "sorry got a call" I said "hmm okay if you say so now come on or we're going to be late!" she yelled. Ellie grabbed my armed and ran to school.

At School

We got to school and Simon and Abigail hit my head. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!?" I yelled, she laughed "how come you didn't tell us you had a girl Friend?" Abigail yelled. "You just found out?" I said, "I-I was just joking" Abigail Said then realize what I said "WHAIT WHAT?!" the 3 of them yelled. "how dumb can you 3 get?" I asked them but also myself. "The new first years will be here tmr" Simon Said "Well then you might meet her then. The bell rang and so did my phone. I looked at my Phone to see it was my gf. I picked up the Phone and said "sorry bu-" I was cut of by a boy saying "oh are you Carly's gf" the boy said "Who is this!?" I yelled but he didn't talk back the next thing I hear is Carly's phone getting Smashed before it hang up.

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