are you ready for us pt2 page 23

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Amabel came outside to get me and Cody but I was still wondering what he was doing here and what happened between Cody and Him.

"Darling, next time he comes up to us hold my arm or hand so I know that your safe" Cody Said.


"My love when Laim comes over to us or to me or you I want you to come to me straight away so i know that your safe" cody said

"Okay I understand but wouldn't it be better if I'm always with you?" I asked

"Well we might need to go to the bathroom sometimes so if you stay with Ellie, Ray and Chester then you should be fine" Cody said as he put his hand on my cheek.

"while I wipe your tears from Falling, I will be the one who protects you" Cody said

"Yeah and your wise to say that" ray said trying to laugh.

"Shut up plus I'm very wise beyond my years" Cody said jokingly.

"Yeah, I guess your age just don't do the same for your brain since your so stupid" Ray said trying to laugh.

"Oh shut up" Cody said.

"Oi you 2 behave" Amabel said.

"Yes mum" Ray and Cody said at the same time.

"My apologies Ellie and Katelyn, I'm so sorry about them" Amabel said.

"Don't worry miss we've dated them for a while so we're used to them bickering all the time" Ellie said.

"You have manners???" Me and rat said.

"Well duh I just don't use them a lot since I'm young and that's okay for me not to" Ellie said.

"Fair enough" I said


Someone walked into the restaurant and everyone went quiet, even the adults the only younger people that where there was Ellie, me, Chester, Cody, Ray and Laim. The restaurant doesn't really look like it was made for children not even teenagers.

A lot of speech got said and even Ray had to say one. He didn't look like he was comfortable Doing it nor did he have any emotions on his face.

Later on after everyone was done eating we got to mangle and as soon as that happened Laim came up to me straight away.


"I bet your Thinking about what I said to Cody. Am I right?" Laim asked.

I tried to ignore him and look for Cody but he kept getting all up in my face.

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