crushing - Page 2

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Next day
Cody's POV

I was walking into a class then I saw Katelyn In her seat. I gave the teacher a note and then the teacher got a call. "Katelyn you have to go to the new A5.2 and you need to bring your bag" the teacher yelled "I don't know where that is" Katelyn said. "Dose anyone else Know?" The teacher said. Everything went quite. "I have to go there next so I'll show her" I said. "Kate I need to talk to you and its something you might not like" I said looking at the ground while saying it. "Uh okay is everything okay?"

At A block
Cody's POV

"hey Kate" I said "Hey Cody, you okay?" Katelyn asked "yeah I'm fine" I replied. We walked to A5.2. "I'll be right back" Katelyn "do you need something out of there?" I said "first of what do you mean and second of yes" Katelyn replied "okay I'll wait here for you" I said. "So Is everything okay?" I asked. "yeah I just need to go home" Katelyn said "oh I see but I need to ask you something first" I said "uh okay" Katelyn said "follow me" I said. We went to the top of A block and sited down and was about to talk but we heard a teachers so we looked around to see where.

Katelyn POV

"Shit" I said while looking around to see where to go or even hide. Cody gabbed my hand and dragged me somewhere.

w/Cody and Katlyn
Cody's POV

I pulled her into an empty room where we could hide. "it's quite dark in here" Katelyn said. "Hey Kate" I said "Yeah?" she replied "Would you like to come over on Friday to mine?" I asked with a little smile. "sure" She said. I walked closer to her and hugged her. "Cody you alright?" she asked "yeah I'm fine, I just really wanted to hug you" I said "oh okay then" she said then hugged me back. I went to the door and saw no one was there so I opened it and we walked out and went to her house.

At Katelyn's
Katelyn's POV

"Well I'm home alone for a few mouths so I don't mind if you drop by Time to Time" I said while looking at my house. "Why are you home alone anyways?" Cody asked "Well my parents are on a work trip and won't be back to November" I said. my phone stared ringing

Katelyn calling Over the phone

Katelyn: "Hey, are you okay?"

Carly: "Yeah I'm fine wbu?"

Katelyn: "Yeah"

Carly: "would you like to come over? On Friday?"

Katelyn: "Next week?"

Carly: "no this week"

Katelyn: "Sorry I just said I would hang out with a friend"

Carly: "Who?"

Katelyn: Someone

Carly: "oh ok, I got to go to the bathroom bye"

Katelyn: "okay bye?"

At lunch

I walked outside to see my brothers calling me over. I walked over to them. "wow Cody I didn't know that you had a crush on her" Ray said with a smirk on his face "Who?" I asked "Katelyn" Ray replied "What Do you mean" Cody asked "I mean you and her walked into a room with no windows and no door window" Ray said "how did you?" I said "I was sitting in there skipping" Ray said embarrassing his brother "S-shut up!" Cody yelled at Ray.

After school
Cody's POV

I walked home from school with a big smile on my face, I couldn't wait to tell my brothers what happed. "How was school Cody?" my mum asked. "GREAT!" I yelled "Oh what's got you in a good mode" Chester asked. "OH MUM CODY HAS A CRUSH ON KATELYN THE GIRL WE HELPED LAST YEAR" Ray yelled. "NO I DON'T! SHUT UP RAY!" I yelled back "Cody your blushing you like her just a mite it" Ray said. "I'm gonna try be friends with her and so are you two" Cody said "why do we have to?" Ray asked "cause I want to be friends with her and I can't do it with out my fav brothers" Cody said "Fine by me" Chester replied.

The boys went up stairs to Cody's room and sat on the bed. "So Is this her Instagram?" Chester asked. "Yeah It is!" I replied "GO ON IT" Ray yelled. "ok ok give me a sec" Chester replied. "she's got some nice photos" Chester said. "Hey Cody what time did she say she'll be here at on Friday?" Ray asked "oh yeah, she'll be walking with us" I replied but at the same time I was hopping it was sooner a lot sooner. "so 3 more days?" Chester asked "Yeah" Cody said. "hey Cody do you know she's dating some girl?" Ray Asked "Y-yeah" Cody said. "Dose she like boys too or?" Ray asked "Yeah she Pan" Cody Said. "hmm Don't worry little brother I'll help you out?" Ray said "what are you going to do?" Chester and Cody asked. "you'll find out soon" Ray said with a smirk on his face.

The bothers got ready for bed and got everything ready for school. "Hey Cody" ray asked "Yeah?" I replied "I'll help you get with her" Ray said, "you don't have to" I said quietly. I walked into my room and sat down on my bed and thought about how Friday would go. "Now if you want to be her boyfriend then you all should get to sleep. now good night" mum said "good night mum" the brothers said.

"I'm gonna have fun having braking them up so my brother can be happy" Ray thought...

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