This episode of bluey is called: Meet the neighbors!

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Bluey and Bingo woke up early it's 5:48 in the morning and they eagerly went to Evans room to wake him up, as the two entered the room they saw that Evan was still sleeping they both tug on Evans leg that causes Evan to giggle, then he woke up and see what tickled him

Evan: morning you two, why'd you guys tickled me while i was asleep?

Bluey: we wanted to wake you to eat brekkie with us!

Evan: why so?, it's just brekkie

Bingo: yeah!, but we wanted you to eat with us!

Evan: *smiles* okay fine, but i need to wash myself first kay?

Bluey,Bingo: Hooray!

The trio left the room Bluey and Bingo went to the kitchen and Evan went to the bathroom to wake himself up, after he'd washed himself and dried himself and went to the kitchen he saw Bandit was cooking brekkie and Chilli is nowhere to be seen he'd then ask Bandit where Chilli was

Evan: morning bandit, where's Chilli?

Bandit: morning mate, she's at work she already ate brekkie earlier

Evan: oh okay, so she's the one that works in the house?

Bandit: well actually, me and Chilli both work she's airport security and I'm an archaeologist that digs up stuff

Evan: 'wow both their jobs are related to what dogs do from my world' wait, your archaeologist?

Bandit: yeah, that means i have to leave for days

Evan: i guess the girls are always sad when you leave?

Bandit nods in response after that brekkie was done they sat down and eat afterwards Evan took the plates and utensils and started washing then, Bandit offered himself to wash them but Evan declines the offer and washed then until they were clean, he dried himself and went to the playroom where Bluey and Bingo were playing

Evan: hey you guys, whatcha playing?

Bluey: we're playing with our toys!

Bingo: do you want to play with our toys too Evan?

Evan: sure

It's 12:38 am then Bandit entered the room and called Evan to talk with him, Evan got up and went to Bandit they talked about the gathering later so that everyone can meet Evan Evan was a little afraid but Bandit patted him on the back to reassure him, it helped him after conversation they heard a car engine stop as they figured it was Chilli bandit and Evan then went to the front door as they opened the door Chilli was hold some stuff she walk inside Bandit,Evan help Chilli with the stuff the then placed in in the kitchen

Chilli: alright, i got all the stuff we need for the party

Bandit: and i've already invited our neighbours earlier

Evan: and that just leaves me to get ready?

Bandit,Chilli: yup

After that they'd start preparing the backyard for the party Chilli made the food, Bandit and Evan were setting up the tables and chairs the colourful lights were hanging above, after a while Bandit and Evan were done they went inside and help Chilli with the food when they were done they all cleaned themselves Bandit,Chilli were outside fixing some things and Bluey and bingo were playing with Evan after the two were called Evan went to his room and prepared himself for what's gonna come

Evan: *whispering* you can do this, you just haft to be nice and friendly with them don't be scared i-i got this

Chilli: *knocks door before opening* Evan?, are you doing okay?

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