This episode of bluey is called: Strange meetings

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Bandit was on the phone talking to his brother Stripe and asked if he wanted to join him to play cricket and of course Stripe accepted, but asked if their wives will watch them and Bandit then remembered that Chilli just left to pick up Trix to play Field Hockey so no-one can watch them then, Bandit then received another call and told Stripe to hang on he answered it

Bandit: hello who's it?

Nana: it's your mother

Bandit: oh hey mom what's up?

Nana: are the kids doing anything?

Bandit: uh no they're just playing with their toys

Nana: good because i miss my grandkids so could you drop them off here?

Bandit: sure oh!, and also could Stripe drop his kids too?

Nana: of course!

Bandit: great we'll be there love ya bye

Nana: love ya bye

Bandit ended the call with his mom and told Stripe and he agreed he then went to the kids in the playroom and told them they're going to Nana's "hooray!" Bluey and Bingo went to their room, meanwhile Evan was reading a book and then Bandit entered his room "hey Evan we're going to my mom's" Bandit said and Evan then said "okay let me take a bath first" Evan took a bath and Bandit was outside waiting Bluey, Bingo ran outside and were excited soon Evan exited too they entered the car and drove to Nana's, they've arrived with Stripe, Muffin and Socks they rang the doorbell and she opened the door and the four kids ran inside the brothers greeted their mom then Bandit introduce Evan to her

Bandit: mom this here's Evan he's been living with us

Nana: oh!, is he a new breed?

Stripe: no mom he's a human and he's pretty much evolved from monkeys but Les fur

Nana: well that's something i've never heard before, ah what's the difference come here! *hugs Evan*

Evan: *face being squished by the hug* it's nice meeting you to uh...

Nana: you can call me Nana, bye Bandy, Stripey!

The brothers: *embarrassed* bye mum!

Evan: 'heh Bandy and Stripey' uhm...

Nana: now you sit here with the kids while i get y'all some popsicles

Muffin: Evan! *jumps on him*

Evan: *oof* hey there Muffy how are ya?

Muffin: great!, i missed you!

Socks: *barks and licks face*

Evan: heh i missed you guys both

Nana: oh!, are you okay Evan?

Evan: y-yeah i'm good they just missed me a lot

Nana: well here y'all go

Bluey, Bingo, Muffin, Socks: thanks Nana! *Barks*

Evan: thank you Nana

They enjoyed their popsicles Evan already finished his and was holding Socks popsicle for her then Nana had a a deck of cards the kids were excited that they'll be playing charades Bingo was up first she then grabbed a stick and started using it

Nana: uhm robot!

Bluey: knight!

Muffin: unicorn!

Evan: what about you Socks what's Bingo acting?

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