This episode of bluey is called: The cousins playdate

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Evan woke up early and went towards the bathroom to splash some water on his face and brushed his teeth, afterwards he went into Bluey and Bingos room he had a devilish smile on him he went in between their beds and he started tickling them the girls woken up by Evan in between them he was smiling the two were giggling they couldn't stop but giggle, as Evan stopped tickling they both got up and giggled more "morning sleepyhead" Evan said the two then got out of bed and wanted to play with him more

Evan: ok, after you'd brush your teeth

Bluey, Bingo: okay!

They went to the bathroom to brush their teeth after they'd drank some water and spit it out they showed Evan their teeth to make sure they'd brushed it clean, Evan nodded and went out and was about to go down the stairs to play "where do you three think are going?" They turned around to see Chilli behind them they gave her a sheepish smile and went into the kitchen, the smell of  fresh cut fruit smelled sweet to them they then ate their brekkie afterwards Evan took the bowls to wash them "awwww but Evan you said you'd play with us" bluey said with a sadden expression, Evan then told them he'll be there in a minute he needs to wash the dishes first they both nodded and ran out of the kitchen

Chilli: oh! Evan let me do the dishes

Evan: it's okay Chilli, it's at least I can do to thank you

Chilli: thank you Evan well okay, i'll wake up bandit

Bluey and Bingo were playing shops and Chilli and bandit were in the living room upstairs as they watched TV they suddenly heard the doorbell rang that surprised Chilli and Bandit,  they weren't expecting anyone, they went downstairs and opened the door they were met with their nieces, Muffin and Socks ran inside then Trixie And Stripe said "hey! Bandit" Stripe gave Bandit a fistbump "hey Chilli" Trixie said and gave Chilli a hug

Chilli: what brings you guys here?

Trixie: what do you mean?

Bandit: did we forgot something?

Stripe: Muffin, Socks playdate with Bluey and Bingo?

Bandit, chilli: ohhhhhhh, we forgot

Stripe: well it's not that big a deal

Bandit: yeah hehehe, the thing is Stripe we actually have someone staying with us

Trixie: wait you guys have a guess?

Chilli: it's a long story, how about you meet him first?

Meanwhile that conversation was happening Muffin, was running towards the playroom she spotted Bluey and Bingo Muffin ran up to Bluey, Bingo and hugged them, Bluey and Bingo were both surprised that their cousin is here "Muffin why are you here?" Bluey said "what do you mean?, did you guys forget last week we told you we're having a playdate!" Muffin screamed

Bluey: oh, sorry Muffin we forgot

Bingo: yeah, we're sorry

Muffin: it's okay anyways can i play too!

Muffin's scream was heard by Evan upstairs he was done washing the dishes when he heard a scream but he shrugged it away, then he heard something that totally scared and caught him off guard it was barking he turned around to see a little light blue puppy it was standing there barking at, Evan was confused about who was this puppy then the puppy slowly approached towards Evan growling at him Evan was scared but he knew one thing though he needed to stay still and don't run just let it do what it wants, Evan slowly lowered himself to the floor and sat down the puppy still growling, walked towards him Evan thought to himself  'don't be scared it's just a cute puppy you've been worse... Wait, that was yesterday!' Evan then closed his eyes and pulled out his hand for the puppy the puppy saw it and started barking loudly again

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