this episode of bluey is called: Something is different

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"I'm feeling alright.. Bandit" Evan said to Bandit and he felt a little uneasy and felt something was different about him "o-okay.. so do you want.. brekkie?" Bandit asked Evan a little nervous and Evan nodded slowly and Bandit left the room and went to the kitchen to start on brekkie 'i don't know why but.. i feel like something is different about Evan' Bandit took out a frying pan and cracked some eggs

Meanwhile Bluey, Bingo were playing in the playroom with Lucky and his little brother Chucky and their dad Pat was at his house making brekkie as well "kids!, brekkie is ready!" Pat called for his two sons they said goodbye to Bluey, Bingo and ran back to their house to eat brekkie "hey Bluey what do you think that dad saw in Evan's room?" Bingo asked her big sister and she puts her paw on her chin and thinks "maybe dad saw that Evan was ill and didn't want us to get ill as well!" Bluey told her sister "kids!, brekkies ready!" Bandit called them and they ran upstairs to th kitchen

Meanwhile Evan was checking his room and examining everything in there and picked up an unfinished letter but he crumbled it up and threw it into the garbage bin, then walked out the room and went in the kids room he also examined the room and found a picture of Bluey, Bingo and him but he tore it and throws out the window, he went to the bathroom and turned on the faucet and went to the sink and checked himself in the mirror "now.. i can begin my plan.." a small smile was on his face then he turned off the faucet and headed to the kitchen to eat

Bluey: hey Evan!, we made you something!

Bingo: it's an apology letter for you!

Evan: yeah yeah sure

Bluey: aren't you going to read it?

Evan: ill read it later

Bingo: please could you read it Evan?

Evan: i said i'll read it later okay?

Bluey, Bingo: please-

Evan: i said later!. He said it in a stern tone then continued eating his brekkie

Bluey, Bingo: okay...

Bluey and Bingo were sad and went back to eating their brekkie then they got ready for school and Bandit called Evan but he didn't went out the house so he called him again but nothing and Bandit called Evan again and he finally went out the house and got in the passengers seat and took out his phone and Bandit started the car and drove off, after 3 hours of driving they arrived at Bluey's school "hey Evan could you stay and watch Bluey for me?, im going to pick you guys late" Bandit asked Evan and he nodded and went out the car and walked up the hill 'who puts a school up a hill?, and it's at a open field with nothing!'

Evan's thoughts stopped as he finally reached the top of the hill and he took a seat on a stool then took out his phone and started scrolling "boring, boring, boring and more boring, is this what he does everyday?, it's literally boring" Evan then stood up and decided to explore the place and headed to the forest and found a small stick house and Evan destroyed it by kicking it then he looks around more

He found a small cave and when he entered he saw a small village and he smiles then he stomps on in multiple times "what a boring little village and maybe a kids hard work, hahahahahaha!" Evan then removed any traces of him being there and left the forest then he walked under the bridge and on the other side was a bunch of colorful flowers everywhere and Evan smiled then he started crushing the flowers and left no traces of him there

Evan got nothing to do anymore and went back to the school and laid back on the floor boards and went to sleep, meanwhile in the school Calypso was performing a puppet show "and thee end!, alright children you all can play outside now!" Calypso told the kids and they all left the school and started playing at different places with Jack, Rusty playing army and the Terriers were playing knights and witches with Coco, Chloe and Indy and as for Bluey she was playing in the forest

In the Dreamworld

Eren opened his eyes and he saw Evan in the cage sleeping and Eren banged the cage "wake up!" Eren yelled at Evan he woke up then he stood up "what do you want?" Evan asked Eren "could you tell me.. why!, is your life so boring!, all i do was eat brekkie then took a shower and stay at this little blue brats!, school!" Eren yelled at Evan angrily and punched the cage "don't call Bluey a brat!, she's a good kid and all those things you said was normal and i play with the kids and have fun!" Evan angrily yelled back at Eren and he pulled Evan "heh don't worry.. because I'm going to make this much more fun for me!, hahahahahaha!!" Eren then released his grip on Evan's shirt and walked back "no!-" Evan was cut off

Back in the real world

Calypso was grabbing some wool and went outside but stopped as she saw Evan sleeping on the floor and she looks around first before crouching down but she stopped as she saw Evan slowly waking up and she sat on the stool pretending she was watching the children playing, Evan rubbed his eyes and stood up snd stretch

Calypso: hello Evan i didn't see you there

Evan: *yawn* yeah..

Calypso: would you like to watch the children play?

Evan: nah i'm bored

Calypso: o-oh i see well i'll be knitting now

Evan looked at Calypso and a grin was on his face as he had an idea and he stood up and approached Calypso and tapped her shoulder "yes Evan?" Calypso said "could you come with me for a minute?" Evan told Calypso and she nodded and Evan leads her into the school "is there something you need Evan?" Calypso turns around and questioned Evan but he didn't respond and he only slowly approached her "Evan?" Calypso slowly walked back as Evan continued to approach her "E-Evan what are doing?" She questioned him again but he only slowly approached her and Calypso was backed towards the wall "u-uh..."

Evan then placed his hand on the wall above Calypso's head and she blushes slightly "E-Evan?, wh-what are you doing?" Calypso questioned him but only a grin was on his face and Calypso saw his red eyes "y-your eyes.. are red?" Calypso was confused as to why his eyes were Red and she was about to speak again but was stopped by Evan placing his hand on her face, this made her blush more and her tail was wagging 'i-i-i can't believe this!, is he really doing this right now!?' Evan then pets her head and leaves out the school and Calypso was left standing there with her back against the wall

Her face was red and her tail was wagging "d-did he show me.. that.. he likes me too?" As she said this she smiled and her face became more red and her tail wagging faster "i've fallen more in love with you..." Evan was sitting down and chuckles 'i think this is just getting more fun hahahahahaha!' soon after a few hours later Bandit picked them up and drove back home but Bluey looked sad and Even was scrolling on his phone "ohh Bluey what's wrong?, Evan you know why she's sad?" Bandit question him but he gestures that he didn't know "Bluey could you tell me what's the matter?" Bandit questioned her "my fairy village was destroyed..."

Bluey said in a sadden tone "who could've done this?" Bandit said and Evan was laughing inside 'that stupid little village was made by her?, hahahahahaha!!, that makes it more funny hahahahahaha!!'

To be continued…

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