This episode of Sam is called: Easter with the beast

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*BEEP, BEEP, BE-* Sam turns off the alarm and sits herself in bed *yawning* she scratches her head and sees the beast asleep on her beanbags, she gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom and with the sound of the door opening it woke tge beast up

The beast looks around and stands up and started sniffing the air, it then sniffed the bed and then it went closer to the glass case with all of Sam's gundams inside, Sam walks out the bathroom but her eyes widen as she saw the beast getting a bit closer to her gundams

"Hey, hey, no stop, stay and don't even think about getting closer to those" Sam told the beast and it actually listened and walked away from the case, Sam then let's out a *sigh* of relief  "in going downstairs to eat brekkie alright?, i'll bring ya some later when my dad isn't here" Sam tgen left her bedroom and went downstairs and went into tge kitchen where Lucius was cooking

"Goood morning Sam!" Lucius said and Sam sat down at the table and it was properly placed utensils with tissues, Lucius was almost done with the last of the food and then placed it on the plate, he then turned off the stove and brought the brekkie to the table, he made french toast, sausages, bacon, eggs, beans, cooked mushrooms, with a tomato slice

"Goood morning Sam!" Lucius said and Sam sat down at the table and it was properly placed utensils with tissues, Lucius was almost done with the last of the food and then placed it on the plate, he then turned off the stove and brought the brekkie...

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Afterwards they had brekkie Sam received a call and she opens it to be from Skye

Sam: morning Skye what's up?

Skye: hey ya wanna go to the Easter hunting competition at the park today?

Sam: sure why not i'll go ask my dad if it's okay

Skye: kay

Sam: hey dad?, can i go to the park and enter the Easter hunting competition?

Lucius: hm.. sure i don't see why not, but come back home at 7 PM, im going to call you to remind you okay?

Sam: fine but make it 7:30 instead

Lucius: what?, no can do not

Sam: oh come on please?

Lucius: 7 on the dot

Sam: please?, i just want to hang out with Skye at her house a bit more please dad?

Lucius: *sighs* alright fine 7:30 that's the deal got it?

Sam: yup thanks dad *hugs him*

Lucius: *hugs back* just be back here at time okay?, i don't want you to get lost

Sam: yeah.. i know dad

Lucius then goes to the sink and started wash the dishes, but Sam sneakily took some food and went back to her room and lock the door behind her, the beast sniffs the food and Sam placed the plate infront of it, then the beast started eating the food

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