This episode of bluey is called: An expected surprise?

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The sun was slowly rising at the horizon, the birds are chirping, the trees green as ever, the sound of people in Brisbane Australia is staring to wake up

At a house on top of a hill with a cul-de-sac, one in particular is the home of the Heeler family, Chilli was at the kitchen starting to make brekkie for her family

Bandit was at his office doing his paperwork, Evan was still sleeping in his room, and across his room was his two little sisters, Bluey ane Bingo

Bingo got up and she looked excited, she went to her older sister Bluey's bed to wake her up as well, she was also excited

They ran out their bedroom and into the kitchen, Chilli was making brekkie and Bandit was sitting at the table reading a newspaper and sipping some coffee

Chilli: morning kids, go sit down in almost done with brekkie

Bluey, Bingo: okay!

Bandit: what!, they lost?, ugh! *Reading news paper*

Chilli: where's Evan at?

Bandit: dunno, probably in his room

Chilli: Bluey, Bingo could you go check on you big brother

Bluey, Bingo: okay mum!

The two then get off their chairs and ran off into the hallway and when they reached his room, they knocked first but there wasn't any response

They knocked again and the same outcome happened, they then slowly open his room to not wake him while he's sleeping

Aa they slowly tipped toed towards his bed "ready?" Bluey whispers to Bingo and she nods "1.. 2.. 3..!" They both jumped on top of him, he groans and the two got off him and were giggling

"Evan!, brekkie is at the table!, let's go all eat together!" Bluey said and then they both left his room, he sits up from his bed and yawns, he walks out his room

Then walks into the bathroom to freshen himself, as he approached the sink he turns on the faucet and yawns, but he noticed something was off

He looks himself in the mirror and his face was... Covered in black fur *screaming* he slammed the door shut, he goes to the corner of the bathroom

He was breathing heavily as he slowly approached the sink and saw his reflection again, his then sees that his entire body was covered in black fur

He has a snout now and he opens his mouth and saw some canine teeth, he had ears in tip of his head now, there was something moving behind him

He turns around and saw that he had a tail, a big tail and it made Evan want to touch it- "Evan?, sweetie?, is everything alright in there?" Chilli's voice was heard outside the bathroom

Evan started hyperventilating as he looks at himself and pinched his cheek to see if this was a dream, when he did he felt pain and his eyes widen

His breathing got more heavy and his eyes examining his entire body, he runs into the bathtub and pulled the curtains ti hide himself

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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