chapter six

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Chris haven't call on Wednesday, Thursday morning as Toni got out of bed she called him but got no answer she was hoping to hear what time he was coming so she could tell him exactly where she was she didn't tell him she would be in Houston Texas so it's not a possibility he's coming early to surprise her, she figure he'll call on getting her messages she dial again this time she left a voice note, "Hey hon, how are you, you didn't call last night I am hoping to hear from you today, didn't we have plans? Call me ok"
Toni hang up
Emma look at him, he was at her place since Toni went away he mostly went home for a shower and change of clothes,
"What?" He asked
"You didn't mention going off with your wife I thought you made time for us me and your daughter" she frowned
"She is just hoping I come, I'm not even sure where she's staying she's probably in LA" he said
"You not going to come away with us?" Emma asked
Chris nod "I'm coming of crouse you know I love spending time with my daughter"
Emma smile,
"I'll drop her off" he said
Emma nod she kiss them both sending them off,
Eddie was very early Toni was still in the garden when he got there she was surprised she widen her eyes at him,
"We agree on early didn't we?" He asked
"Mmh, we did of course I'm just shock it's sbout seven" Toni said
"Seven thirty" Eddie said
"I just want to finish and be out your hair"
"Don't let me keep you from getting started, you did eat right?"
Eddie nod,
"You said that so I won't offer anything" Toni told him
"Why you think that?" He asked
"For it's so"
Eddie smile he shook his head "How is the pool?" He asked
"I just got out side" Toni said
Eddie nod "I'll check to see"
"Go a head"
He walk to the side of the house turned to her, "Your plants, they're very nice"
"Thank you"
He nod leaving her there he went to the pool he saw where the water haven't move from it's hight so he figured it wasn't leaking, He saw where it would do good with the pavement around it he think of getting if done for her but he can't do so today he can work on it tomorrow thinking of asking Jack and Noah to help him out, it will appear to her husband that they're just a team of work man, for if he could read thoughts and tell what was in his mine,
He took note of the surrounding and make a list of what was needed he figured she probably want it from the doors to the pool to kind of separate the grass the kitchen door and the dinning room door leads out the laundry room and a passage door he wasn't sure so he went and call her, "just a moment" Eddie said
"You're cutting me off my gardening don't you know I have to finish" Toni said
"This won't take long beside that the sun is up no one works in a garden in a sun like this"
Toni smile "didn't I tell you I'm a florist I work in the garden any time"
Eddie smile "and you don't sweat other from your nose" he pointed at it Toni wipe it with the back of her hand
Eddie laughed
Toni made a face, "is it leaking?" She asked
When they went to the pool,
"No it's still where it is" he said
"So what?" Toni asked
"So I'm thinking of asking
someone to help me out tomorrow around the pool to pave it I want to know if you want to get rid of the grass"
"Entirely no I love the grass it's just that I want to keep the pool clean, it's a pity it's so flat" Toni said
"I understand what you want but I'm going to need many things to work with should I  make a list for you to get them on your way home?" Eddie asked
"No that's cutting in on my time with Hariel I want to see a lot of places today speaking of I'm to go get ready" she touch his back to walk away, "Can you get them?" Toni asked
"I should get them?"
"You know exactly what is needed, I'll give you the money" she walk away before he answered, Eddie take a note of the poolside with all the other things he wrote down two sets of pool side chairs and a table, he call Jack to see what he was up to for tomorrow good for him he's free for the rest of week and Noah was as well they agreed to come early, he left the pool side and started on the paint job to the rest of the house he was almost finished with the side when Toni came out all dressed up looking pretty,
"The money is on the kitchen counter when you're ready I'll be gone for some time help out yourself incase you need something" Toni said
Eddie look down at her,
"Are you sure you're OK up there maybe you don't have to paint that far I don't want you to hurt yourself" she said
"I'm ok it's firm and strong"
"Ok I'm going promise you'll be careful"
"I promise" Eddie said
Toni nod,
"Have fun"
"Ok" she said Toni look for her van to leave before he started painting again,
"Toni" Hariel said running to hug her they share a tight hug
"Hi Dorothy" Toni called to her
"Toni how are you?"
"I'm fine thank you mam"
"Good" Dorothy said
"Ready?" Toni asked
Hariel nod
"I'll bring her back soon" Toni said
"Ok dear" Dorothy said
Toni took Hariel's hand they walk out the door making way for a few people coming in,
"So we'll get an ice cream when we get to the park" Toni said she straps Hariel in the passenger's seat
"I could do that" Hariel said
"I feel a lot better with me doing it, I don't want to have to explain to your dad what caused the accident"
Hariel giggle
Toni smile she start the van and they drove to the park,
Eddie move quickly to get the painting done making sure he didn't miss a spot nothing was stopping him from finishing it up nothing was there to move so by four it was complete he only stop at one point to have some water drinking it from the pipe he got thirsty but didn't want to go in there wasn't a pipe in the yard but he found a cap that could open he remember he had bought an extra pipe to fix a sink at the lounge it turned out it didn't want a new pipe so he has it in his van with some other pipe fitting he decided to made a pipe he remember Toni's garden it could be of help to her all she would need now is a hose, he couldn't gave her his he have to use it, he wonder too how she's leaving on Saturday and spending so much money to fix the place he's sure she won't make it back before another Christmas inwhich it doesn't have to be next year but it's good she's fixing it a nice home as such don't need to waste, he wash himself at the pipe he just put in place, drying with his shirt he took off he decided to go inside the kitchen door was Open so he went in using it the money was on the counter as she said he counted it before putting it in his pocket it seems a lot but what ever left he'll just bring it back, he have a beer then sat for a while, he was hoping toni would come to fine him there but it was five twelve when he got up to leave locking up taking another beer he check for the key as it was where it was, he left hoping to see her back at the lounge,
Toni said it would be a lot of place they wanted to visit and they did they have ice-cream as promised went to Santa lounge for already he was seeing children for some places santa started coming out as soon as Thanksgiving is over and today was already the eleventh day in December she check it and it was actually the fourteenth day she had miscalculated the date she thought yesterday was the tenth it was probably because she wasn't working now to know, she took Hariel to get a new dress,
"I love it" Hariel said
"Me too you make it look so pretty" Toni pinch her cheek
Hariel giggle shyly
"I can wear it to the Christmas pageant" Hariel said
"Oh a Christmas pageant where at school?" Toni asked
"Yes it's the day before Christmas eve"
"Oh I won't make it, I'm sorry" Toni said
"Maybe next year" Hariel said understanding that she'll have to go,
"Maybe" Toni said she hug the little girl so tight to her she has fallen so much for her she knew she is going to miss her once she went home, her dad too for she was falling harder for him she felt she didn't feel this strong for her husband,
"I should get one for your nana" Toni said talking about the dress
"This won't fit nana" Hariel said
Toni giggle "I'm sure this isn't the only size they got"
"Oh" Hariel said
Toni laugh, "Is there an adult size in this dress?" She question the store clerk
"Yes mam I'll show you,
Toni follow with Hariel thanking the young girl when they found them,
They found a dress just Dorothy's size Toni got herself one as well , their final stop was at the gift store to get gifts Christmas gifts she would like to give them, She was leaving on Saturday and wasn't sure she'll see them before Chris haven't call anyway so she wasn't sure what he's doing, but just incase she got them gifts, she didn't even bother to gift wrapped anything it was a nice coat for Dorothy with an hat she noticed she wore hats to the store,
She got a nice coat for Hariel with a scarf, she got a shirt for Eddie and a scarf with a sexy blazer jacket having the feeling it will look fine on him, they left the store and got their pictures taken before Toni dropped Hariel off at the lounge, she didn't stay for long for Eddie wasn't there
Dorothy thank her for the things she gave her, "Merry Christmas when it gets here incase I don't get to see you" Toni said
"The same to you Toni safe travels incase I don't see you" Dorothy said
Toni nod she hug Hariel to her before leaving,
Because Eddie had stopped to shop around for the things for Toni he didn't made it to the lounge before night fall his grandmother and his daughter were both ready and waiting for him, "sorry I'm late" he apologized
Dorothy nod, but she went on to ask "what kept you so late?"
"I was doing some business for Toni in town"
"Oh I see" Dorothy said to him, "go on honey get in the van" she told Hariel
"She's a bit tired Toni had her allover" Dorothy smile Eddie smile too he lift his daughter to put in the van next to him she rest on him while he drove them home, "Toni left an early Christmas gift she might not see us before she leave" Dorothy said
"That's nice" Eddie said
"She is nice only a pity she's married"
"Need not remind me" Eddie grumbled,
"There's someone nice out there for you I can tell you like Toni but you know there's no future with another man's wife"
"Yes grams" Eddie said
His phone ring he took it out to see Toni calling,
"Answer it" Dorothy said when he seems to want to ignore it,
He open the line
"Hey" Toni said
"What's up?" Eddie asked aware his grandmother watches him,
"Just checking on you hope you're OK I didn't make it back in time to see you, but thanks again, so I'll see you tomorrow"
"I'll be early since it's Friday" Eddie said
"You're taking someone right?"
"Yes I am my two buddies will come give me an hand"
"You know I don't know what they drink they drink beers too right?"
Eddie chuckle, "Don't worry we'll take care of what we need to drink"
"I hope you'll let me pay you for the pool side it's only fair" Toni said
"Well let's talk tomorrow" Eddie said
"See you" Toni said
She hang up
Dorothy look at her grandson "so you're doing all those work over there free?"
Eddie didn't answer
"I am not criticizing just asking"
"I just thought I'll help her out because she's new to town"
"You help her out because you like her" Dorothy said
Eddie didn't respond,
"She left a bag she didn't want to take it home" she hand it to him he took it and put on his lap they drove silently the rest of way he got out and help his grandmother bring in somethings he went back for his daughter they went in together Eddie took the stairs with Hariel going to to bed room he lay her in for she fell a sleep, leaning overhead kiss her forehead, "Love you sweetheart" he whispered
"Love you too daddy" Hariel said in a sleepy voice as she roll to her side,
"She's out like a lamp" Eddie said on coming down the stairs,
"I've not seen my baby so tired" Dorothy said with a smile,
Eddie smile as he sat down around the table,
He and his grandmother share a conversation
"Heard from her mother lately?" Dorothy asked
"It have been a while" Eddie said
"Have you ever called?"
"Call Evelyn grams I would be crazy to do that"
"I know she has another man with a child but you both need to acknowledge that the children need to get to know each other"
"That maybe true" Eddie agrees but he wasn't going to be the one to call.
Toni wait until she feels her husband would be in to call him it was ten o clock Thursday night he promised to call her from in the morning Chris had fallen asleep next to his daughter, Nellie was wrapped in his arms Emma was sitting next to them his phone ring she look to see it was his wife for it was how he had save it wife, she was going to wake him but didn't,
"Honey how are you? I was expecting to hear from you since morning, what's going on is everything alright, don't tell me you're that busy, anyway call me as soon as you can, if I don't hear from you I'll see you on weekend love you"
Emma frowned made a face as she repeat her words in a silly voice,
Toni went to sleep she had considered packing from Thursday but didn't feel like it again she thought that she could leave her belongings maybe she could ask Eddie to give an eye when he could, it didn't seems her husband was interested in coming and she didn't want to stay for Christmas and he didn't come up, if by chance they might spend it together or maybe like Thanksgiving he might not spend it with her, she really wondered if her husband wanted a child so bad that he's willing to mistreated her for it at some point it felt like mistreated and another he's making her feel guilty about it, she went to bed about midnight the phone rang to wake her it was six in the morning Franky called her "Hey sweets you're not in town?" He asked
"Franky no I'm not, you just miss me I'm on a two week vacation" she said
Before getting in to her own floral design she and Franky worked at the same place it was how they get to talk well
"Oh really that's nice, with your husband?" Franky asked
"I was expecting him to come for the weekend but I haven't heard from him, have you seen him?" Toni asked
"I haven't seen him, I went by your place and it I heard you didn't come in"
"So you're checking in?"
"Something like that"
"I'm alright"
"Call me"
"I will"
Toni smile when she hang up, she had thought the call would be her husband but it was Franky checking on her, "Oh oh sweet of him" she thought smiling,
She was glad he called at the time for she would have slept over six she got out of bed went into the bathroom she wash her face brush her teeth and catch back her hair, she went down stairs to the kitchen set the kettle on to boil took the bucket fill it in the bathroom and take it to the garden,
Eddie has told the boys early so by six Jack picked him up in his truck the maintenance guy at the hardware gave them their pick up so by seven they were on their way to Toni's place Eddie gave Noah the address to meet them their
Toni has finished pouring the first set of water on the plants she was about to go back inside to catch more water for she didn't see there was a pipe, the truck pulled up she stop to see Eddie got out the truck on seeing him Toni smile she turned to come off the porch
Jack widen his eyes at Eddie as he got out to meet him at the back,
"That's your chick?" Jack asked
"I wish" Eddie said they smile,
"Hi" Toni greet the man
"Eddie" she said in a soft sweet voice that make Jack look at him
"Hey" Eddie said "this is Jack my friend"
The car pulled up behind the truck,
"And that's Noah" Eddie said before the guy gets out from his car,
Toni look to see someone wave by just pushing out a hand,
Toni wave and smile,
"Eddie hand her a hose long enough to reach her garden,
"Do we still need this for the pool?" Toni asked
"No but you might need it for your garden" Eddie said
"Oh yeah I was just going inside to get a pail of water now I can run this thing from the bathroom come out" Toni said
Eddie smile,
"Eddie is that you?" He asked shootings his mouth at Toni,, Noah came to stand next to Toni and Eddie, "pretty woman" he said
Toni smile,
"Is he your man?"
"She's married" Eddie said
"Are you saying you don't screw married women?" Noah asked
Jack laugh
Eddie shook his head at him "control yourself" he said turning to Toni "Parden his language"
"It's ok" Toni said with a smile
"We're going to get started" Eddie said
"Right away I got liquor" Noah said
"We got all we need" Jack said
"Let's do this" Noah said coming back from his car with a whole big case of beer and other liquors
Toni lead the way you the pool as the men bring in the things bringing what she could she was on her way to the back when she saw the pipe it pause her she stopped and her back came in contact with Eddie as she bumps into his chest, she turn into him, she grin, "you did that?" She asked pointed to the pipe "how cool I can't thank you enough" she said moving away to go have a closer look at the pipe, "Now I don't have to drag that pale with water and I have my hose"
"You're welcome" Eddie said leaving her there she followed them and left the things near by going back to her garden
Eddie was left by the pool with Noah and Jack
"You said she's married where's her man?" Jack asked
"He's to come today" Eddie said
"I don't know man but that woman wants you" Noah said
Eddie hissed "Let's get this done so we can actually leave"
"Before he comes? sound as if you're running away" Noah said
"Maybe that's the best thing" Eddie said as his grandmother said she doesn't want him with a broken heart and truth is he's not hoping for a broken heart.

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